
The first thing required is to prepare the environment for the compilation and execution of ACS and the project being developed.

source /alma/ACS-2021APR/ACSSW/config/.acs/.bash_profile.acs
getTemplateForDirectory MODROOT_WS <NameOfYourModule>
export INTROOT=~/introot
getTemplateForDirectory INTROOT $INTROOT
#This could be added to the .bash_profile or .bashrc files
export INTROOT=~/introot
source /alma/ACS-2021APR/ACSSW/config/.acs/.bash_profile.acs

Interface Common Definitions (ICD)

As part of what is delivered, there is a directory called ICD, where all the base definitions are given (ICD/idl) in IDL format (CORBA Interface Definition Language). These will generate code for the different languages supported by ACS (C++, Python and Java).

#Assuming the environment is correctly prepared
make all install

This will generate the required libraries (.so and .jar) and source code (.h and .py) for the client stubs (definitions and communication) and skeleton infrastructure (server implementation base).

Integration and Testing System (ITS)

Another part of the project that is given, is the configuration of the system. In production this configuration is retrieved from an Oracle DB, however for these projects we're using a file system database based in XML files.

#Either execute the following in every console or add to your .bash_profile or .bashrc files
export ACS_CDB=$REPO_PATH/ITS/config

This will be used at run-time to deploy components in the running containers.