Table of contents

Release history and use in Alma

This is the second ACS development to be used in Cycle 9. Below is the list of addressed tickets.

Addressed JIRA tickets

Release Notes

git status
On branch integration/COMMON-2020APR
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/integration/COMMON-2020APR'.

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020APR -- ACS
97cee3bcfd ICT-16033: Added grep line to acsstartup for acsConfigureNotificationChannels output
699a422ae9 ICT-16487: laser-soure-python compatibility with Python 2 and 3
613864ff83 ICT-16045: acsjlog module tests grepping openjdk logs
c0d1ff40d4 ICT-16478: Updated reference file and TestList.sed files in acssim module's tests
ee37dd6950 ICT-16478: acssim Simulated code made Python2 and 3 compatible along other test compatibility fixes
70c1a440b1 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16467, bugfix/ICT-16467) ICT-16467: Added __class__, __dir__ and __dict__ to elements to be skipped in XmlObjectifier
5018392ed9 (origin/feature/ICT-16479, feature/ICT-16479) ICT-16479: Stringify binary data loaded before parsing and editing it
d1143f6801 ICT-16479: Metaclass compatibility between Python 2 and 3
e3ab62f9ab ICT-16479: ICT-16479: Replaced new import by types in
f34d20f577 ICT-16479: Replaced new and operator imports for types and collections
a067d1128b ICT-16478: Making acssim tests Python 2 and 3 compatible
cdff0a1f85 ICT-16477: Updated acspyexmpl tests to be Python 2 and 3 compatible
afd4cf87dc ICT-16476: monitoring/moncollect tests are now Python 2 and 3 compatible
7e9cee14ab ICT-16474: Made jbaci module's tests Python 2 and 3 compatible
96dcb05380 ICT-16151: Disabled 2 tests because their scripts don't exist
a2a3a7e0c6 ICT-16151: Added missing reference files
2675d6e7ec (origin/bugfix/ICT-16469, bugfix/ICT-16469) ICT-16469: Replaced '_' by 'e' as anonymous element in CDBProperties module
0cf09b4b0c ICT-16467: Ignore read-only attributes when copying attributes from minidom.Document and minidom.Element
7fa50f18b2 ICT-16457: Further fixes of acspy tests now with mock version 3.0.5
1611dd4e00 ICT-16464: Updated acsalarmpy module's tests to be Python 2 and 3 compatible
a8ec341a3c (origin/bugfix/ICT-16465, bugfix/ICT-16465) ICT-16465: Update mock version to 3.0.5 due to __doc__ bug
bca7298e52 (origin/feature/ICT-16462, feature/ICT-16462) ICT-16462: Removing automatic setting of Python version in .bash_profile.acs
3a85fae3d7 ICT-16457: Making the print of keepAlive string compatible with mocking in test modules
bdeb2e97eb ICT-16457: Making acspy module's tests compatible with Python 2 and 3
ddd96852b0 ICT-16183: Updated reference file for AutoReconnect test cases and increased time for loggingService to start
d94b2a33ec (origin/bugfix/ICT-16406, bugfix/ICT-16406) ICT-16406: Updated six version to support ensure_text and ensure_str functions
9ff7b39150 ICT-16406: Changed ensure_text to ensure_str to convert to str in Python 2 and 3 (Other wise it was unicode in Python 2)
d465fe9585 (origin/feature/ICT-16417, feature/ICT-16417) ICT-16417: Send an error if the Manager is not available when executing acsConfigureNotificationChannels script
2c42068e23 (origin/feature/ICT-16413, feature/ICT-16413) ICT-161413: Changed to ErrorTrace and LoggingStatistics integer division for Python 2 and 3 compatibility
6a2963c6b7 ICT-16412: Making acspycommon module's tests Python 2 and 3 compatible
5ff05440ea (origin/feature/ICT-16409, feature/ICT-16409) ICT-16409: Removed PYTHONINC definition from .bash_profile.acs to allow dynamic change for compilation
acdd50ea7a ICT-16409: Added PYTHONABI to PYTHONLIB name
f20fcc9673 ICT-16409: Added several variables for helping with Python version dynamically in Makefile PYTHON_ROOT, PYTHONINC, PYTHONVER, PYTHONLIB, PYTHONINS
1516f406bc (origin/feature/ICT-16407, feature/ICT-16407) ICT-16407: Changed the use of content by orderedContent in PyXB API due to deprecation of the former method
7113321d45 ICT-16406: Changed str.encode for six.ensure_text(encoding=...) in file
e1ad009147 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16402, bugfix/ICT-16402) ICT-16402: Make the Python ACS Logger compatible with Python 3 while maintaining backwards compatibility with Python 2
e3cd0209c0 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16342) Removed some python 2 incompatible code
4d4f7556ac removed new from imports
9d46d36e18 (origin/feature/ICT-16378, feature/ICT-16378) ICT-16378: Removed PyXML from the ACS/LGPL/Tools/extpy installation
1a9e88cb72 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16291, bugfix/ICT-16291) ICT-16291: Adding missing semicolon typo
f8aff4f890 ICT-16291: Adding include file, namespace and fixed small typo for error handling
8a59debafd (origin/feture/ICT-16352, feture/ICT-16352) ICT-16352: Fixing small detail with Makefile function
6e9fcc8542 ICT-16352: Updated Makefile to support both Python 2 and 3 cache files
1b21be9b52 ICT-16291: Added more protection regarding the ncChecker thread creation
dfd8acea8d ICT-16291: Added protection to the call that generated the container crash
3131be5727 (origin/task/ICT-16323, task/ICT-16323) ICT-16323: Added Java BDNT tests to bulkDataNT module's tests
38952b477c (origin/bugfix/ICT-16321, bugfix/ICT-16321) ICT-16321: Fixed tests exceptions being throwed to be consistent with changes in interfaces and implementation
e93d7b51f3 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16320, bugfix/ICT-16320) ICT-16320: Fixed bug destroying list of streams
1e1c571a07 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16322, bugfix/ICT-16322) ICT-16322: Fixed the test scripts and loading of QoS XML file in performance test
5b2a7f2626 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16349, bugfix/ICT-16349) ICT-16349: Removing gnuplot, numarray and pychecker from buildPyModules as they're provided elsewhere
1d91c93ac1 ICT-16348: Change ACS version to 2020APR
5f8da67fe3 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16029, bugfix/ICT-16029) ICT-16029: Added patch to retrieve all child elements to maven version of xercesj

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2019APR -- ARCHIVE
cd74ed17af (origin/ICT-16265-mvn-archive-icd-2020apr) ICT-11388: updated poms ->

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2019APR -- ICD
cd74ed17af (origin/ICT-16265-mvn-archive-icd-2020apr) ICT-11388: updated poms ->
33c1b31af0 (origin/feature/ICT-16383, feature/ICT-16383) ICT-16383: Changing default user in Python Message Bus to 'obops'
de79529b87 Something new in java logs SLF4J, filtered out
9a0d6485d8 ICT-15765: renamed package-info.jave files to, converted to Markdown
03419e211f (origin/feature/ICT-15765-build-without-angular) ICT-15765: standardized "all" Makefile target to run the Maven "install" lifecycle phase

System Requirements

The officially supported OS is the 64 bit version of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)". The binary distribution of ACS (tarball) is made for this OS. We also successfully use its clone "CentOS 7.6".

For all machines the expected kernel is 3.10

The expected and actual versions of compilers, ORBs and various RPMs can be found by running the command =acsConfigReport=, both for required RPMs and for software shipped together with ACS. To get a rough overview before installing ACS, here are the most basic ones:

There is a new requirement needed for python 3:
