
Working with new modules


The original question was: I am trying to write a device using ACS. I have INTROOT set. When developing a new module, should that be developed in a directory other than INTROOT, say the top of my home directory? Then when it's ready to copy to INTROOT, I type make install? In which directory do I type make install?

I assume that you have a complete module structure, i.e. if your device is called myDev, then you have a directory structure like this:

myDev - bin
      - idl 
      - include 
      - lib 
      - object 
      - src 
      - test 
      - ......... 

Or, eventually, with one more intermediate layer (ws, lcu) if you module is going to have a workstation and an LCU part. If not, then you have to get a module structure. An emtpy module can be created using the getTemplate tool. Where "myDev" itself is, actually does not matter. By convention, we use to have a directory per each project (like ACS, CONTROL, ...) where we keep all modules for that project. Anyway, everything is driven by the Makefile in the myDev/src directory. So to build and install a package into the INTROOT:

   cd myDev/src; make -k clean all install

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