How to run bulkData NT synthetic tests?
There are available as part of bulkDataNT installation, two tools for running different synthetic test:
For the options of each please run the tool w/o option, or -h option. One2Many case (multi-cast)
Many2One case
At the moment script assumes that stream is TS, and for each host a flow is created starting from 00. So in this case we run senders in cob-cpn-01,cob-cpn-02,cob-cpn-03,cob-cpn-04 which send data of size 4000000. The results (output) from all the hosts are written in files in ~/ - a file per host. The output data can be processed (and plot generated) by running: By default it is used UDP, if you want to "switch" to TCP please use There is provided also script that automatize (and generates report) the tests. It is called: ../bin/bulkDataNTremoteTest --source=/alma/ste/etc/defaultEnv -s cob-cpn-01,cob-cpn-02,cob-cpn-03,cob-cpn-04,cob-cpn-05,cob-cpn-06,cob-cpn-07,cob-cpn-08,cob-cpn-09,cob-cpn-10,cob-cpn-11,cob-cpn-12,cob-cpn-13,cob-cpn-14,cob-cpn-15,cob-cpn-16 -b 6400000 -l 20 If you want to "switch" to TCP please use -- BogdanJeram - 05 Feb 2013 |
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