
The workshop has a good number of presentations, specially at the beginning, and require a technology to make the presentations and share with the participants all over the world. Zoom is the technology that ALMA is using officially and in this way is easier to configure and use for the organization. Furthermore, there are parallel groups working together and would need to jump back and forth between the group sessions and the general session. Zoom offers breakout sessions to solve this kind of scenarios, being suitable for the requirements of the workshop.

Basic Track

For the basic track, the presentations will be given to the whole group over zoom. It will have basically three modes of operation:

Advanced Track

The advanced track is a simple zoom session that will be open the whole time (12:00 UT to 17:00 UT) every day, but will be only used on the times indicated in the program. The expectation is the following:

Breakout Sessions

To ease the process of breakout sessions, we should register the zoom accounts in a list for automatic distribution of participants when the breakout sessions take place. The mechanism that will be used for this task is to request the users email's associated with zoom through the ACS Workshop #12 - ACS Community Slack Chat groups' channels. The breakout sessions should be ready for the second day of the workshop, when they start being more demanding.