
On this day we will focus on preparing the initial implementation of our first component. By the end of the day, we expect the groups to:


As a guide, we're going to show you a very simple component implementation

First we create the directory for the IDL:

> getTemplateForDirectory MODROOT_WS idlHelloComp
> cd idlHelloComp/src
> touch ../idl/HelloComponent.idl

We fill the IDL with the following:


#pragma prefix "acsws"

#include <acscomponent.idl>

module workshop {
    interface HelloComponent {
        void printHello();


We modify the Makefile:

IDL_FILES = HelloComponent
HelloComponentStubs_LIBS = acscomponentStubs

We then compile and install the IDL definitions:

> make all install


We create the needed directories:

> getTemplateForDirectory MODROOT_WS cppHelloComp
> cd cppHelloComp/src
> touch HelloComponentImpl.cpp
> touch ../include/HelloComponentImpl.h

We modify the Makefile for this component:

INCLUDES = HellowComponentImpl.h
LIBRARIES = HelloComponentImpl
HelloComponentImpl_OBJECTS = HelloComponentImpl
HelloComponentImpl_LIBS = HelloComponentStubs

We fill the component code as follows: