Table of contents

Release history and use in Alma

This is the second ACS development to be used in Cycle 8. Below is the list of addressed tickets.

Summary of Changes

Addressed JIRA tickets

Release Notes

git status
On branch integration/COMMON-2020OCT
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/integration/COMMON-2020OCT'.

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020OCT -- ACS

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020OCT -- ARCHIVE

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020OCT -- ICD

The officially supported OS is the 64 bit version of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)". The binary distribution of ACS (tarball) is made for this OS. We also successfully use its clone "CentOS 7.6".

For all machines the expected kernel is 3.10

The expected and actual versions of compilers, ORBs and various RPMs can be found by running the command =acsConfigReport=, both for required RPMs and for software shipped together with ACS. To get a rough overview before installing ACS, here are the most basic ones:

The operating system dependencies are:


Problems Found And Fix Version in This Release

Problems Found And Fix Version in Future Releases