Table of contents

Release history and use in Alma

This is the last ACS development to be used in Cycle 8. Below is the list of addressed tickets.

Summary of Changes

Addressed JIRA tickets

Release Notes

git status
On branch integration/COMMON-2020DEC
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/integration/COMMON-2020DEC'.

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020DEC -- ACS
3c93b85d55 (origin/task/ICT-17555) ICT-17555: Reverted pip version to 20.1.1 to avoid inconsistencies
bfd9a1ff0d (origin/task/ICT-17715-2020DEC) ICT-17719: Fixed acsutil phase A tests after changes to the command
00cf6139c7 (origin/feature/ICT-17720) ICT-17720: Improved ascutilBlock script to kill associated command correctly
610f259f22 ICT-17718: Not expecting anything stderr of jacsutil tests
7e27297a5b ICT-17717: Tools/hibernate phase A tests were fixed
ca23c43bdc ICT-17716: Fixed Kit/acs phase A tests
380f7b4dc8 (origin/bugfix/ICT-17714) ICT-17714: Proper checking for OffShoot's type on activation
03451dba3d (origin/task/ICT-17701) ICT-17701: Adding implementation to try and reproduce ICT-12398
f219b9b3f1 (origin/bugfix/ICT-16429) ICT-16429: acsMakefile to prevent empty paths in PYTHONPATH
647c4b5c81 (origin/feature/ICT-17291-2) ICT-17291: Adding restriction to use OS cppunit to install as well
f5d2b85216 (origin/feature/ICT-17551) Removed no longer log4cpp files
4472e901da Removed log4cpp from ACS
78dfbc686c ICT-17291: Undo feature/ICT-17291 merge
58eb244aa3 ICT-17291: Rely on cppunit from O.S. or fallback to install it by ACS
efc737e534 ICT-17574: Small improvements in two-step makefile meta programming
b8b8ad3be9 ICT-17574: Added two-step for the new makefile. The mechanism allows to add custom steps in the future
1c093821d0 (origin/feature/ICT-17576) ICT-17576: Disabled Xshare option by default to prevent warning when using custom classloader
fe4680a9ed (origin/bugfix/ICT-11577) ICT-11577: DevIO timestamp is stored with the monitor point to allow passing hw timestamp instead of host if desired What timestamp is decided to be used is delegated to DevIO implementation
b80a75742e (origin/feature/ICT-17291) ICT-17291: Updated cppunit tests for version 1.14.0
7aa67057b9 ICT-17555: Factored pip version out for simpler configuration in the future
16b8fd64f1 ICT-17555: Fixed pip version to 20.2.4
34adfbcfba (origin/feature/ICT-17510) ICT-17510: Fixed pyenv version to v1.2.21
5487099959 (origin/feature/ICT-17289) ICT-17289: Fixed small consequence in stringSeq for monitorcollector (There was a bug that was put in evidence by new version of TAO)
f98ce1d2c1 ICT-17290: Removed Mico dependency from several places TAO now provides the basic syntax checking that Mico used to do
838e3c1828 ICT-17289: Removed old ACE/TAO tarball
7dfa2b5478 ICT-17289: Upgrading ACE/TAO version to 6.5.11
678726a60f ICT-17547: Updated ACS version to 2020DEC

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020DEC -- ARCHIVE
b82f558234 (origin/technical/ICT-17477-common-poms-for-2020dec) ICT-17477: updated poms -> 2020.12-SNAPSHOT

git log --no-merges --oneline origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2020DEC -- ICD

ace65259a8 (origin/feature/ICT-17694-tmcdb-model-goes-offline) Moved this class to offline software
e7cdf9e67e (origin/feature/ICT-17539-APDMCOMMON2020DEC) ICT-17539: Added the changes BLCorrelator Mode
747697f62a Use the right package name as the file was just moved.
f39ff0043b Move the TmcdbException class back to a module below ICD as its needed by classes that must remain in the online software.
9dc27e4d1f Delete all the scripts and the top-level Java classes that have been moved to a module below CONTROL-SERVICES/TMCDB
3be3293ab2 (origin/feature/2020DEC-life-cycle-changes) ICT-17528 minor refactor to AbstractObsUnitSetStateTransition
bbdc51ef80 ICT-17584 timed out email only includes observingTimedOut SB names
52f4cb3406 ICT-17528 improved OUS trickleDown after bubbleUp issue
d683fc16b4 ICT-17528 fixed NotObservedToReady bubble-up & trickle-down issue
4203cfecb2 ICT-17583 state change comment propagates to parent/child status
96f12289c9 Refactored lifecycle transition package names
3c58ced042 Add the VLAWVR table to the Makefile. ICT-17636.
6190f556dd Fix keys in VLAWVR table. ICT-17636.
9f3556de40 Add a stub implementation of the function that returns the metrology mode.
4a374c20d7 Update the test to track recent changes
2c045b9189 Remove the getAcaBasebandDelays function. It's subsumed into the getBasebandDelays function.
0b07b2f121 Simplified the getConnectedAntenna function to avoid duplication. This involved refactoring the getAntennas function.
17a2014040 Add VLA-only VLAWVR table. Table is optional; no impact for ALMA. ICT-17636.
78383eb4c8 ICT-17528 implemented new QA3 transitions
2400d5cdde Slightly simplified the getQuadrant function,
11077b95bc Track changes in the correlator interface
4b2dc16651 ICT-17566 calibrator mailing list changed to
ddf608e7f8 Move the AcaBasebandDelays into the AntennaDelays
b0a24fd125 Remove the getAntennaBaselineName and getAntennaACAName functions. They are replaced by the getConnectedAntenna function.
0d7e85c255 Move a couple of functions to be closer to related functions. No interface change.
7e73e4cdc2 Replace the getAntennaBaselineCAI and getAntennaACACAI functions with the getAntennaCAI function.
bb938fd57a Remove the CorrAccess interface. All functions have been moved into the Access interface.
a7bf05b4c5 Add the getCurrentMetrologyMode function. Its not implemented yet.
f7b8ac4349 Updated acs dependencies to 2020.12
b82f558234 (origin/technical/ICT-17477-common-poms-for-2020dec) ICT-17477: updated poms -> 2020.12-SNAPSHOT
35268d8198 improved logging in LifeCycle tests
38494d5e6c updated ICD/OBOPS version to 2020.12

The officially supported OS is the 64 bit version of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)". The binary distribution of ACS (tarball) is made for this OS. We also successfully use its clone "CentOS 7.6".

For all machines the expected kernel is 3.10

The expected and actual versions of compilers, ORBs and various RPMs can be found by running the command =acsConfigReport=, both for required RPMs and for software shipped together with ACS. To get a rough overview before installing ACS, here are the most basic ones:

The operating system dependencies are:

There is a new requirement needed to replace cppunit:


Problems Found And Fix Version in This Release

Problems Found And Fix Version in Future Releases