Hardware Requirements

There has not been a lot of investigation on the minimum requirements for ACS to run normally, but some requirements are known.

General requirements:

Minimum requirements by service:

loggingServiceAt least 4GB of RAM. Some people see intermittent behavior at this limit

If you're running on a simple deployment with all the services running on the same machine, then the same requirements apply

Operating System Compatibility

The officially supported OS is the 64 bit version of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)". We're also successfully using its clone "CentOS 7.6". There are other Linux distributions that are also compatible with subtle changes or none at all.


Under Test:

Known to work in the past (Some efforts may be needed to make it work again):

Kernel Version

For all machines the expected kernel is 3.10 (Other Kernel versions do work, but are not officially supported).

External Tools

The expected and actual versions of compilers, ORBs and various RPMs can be found by running the command =acsConfigReport=, both for required RPMs and for software shipped together with ACS. To get a rough overview before installing ACS, here are the most basic ones:

Most of the mentioned software is provided with ACS as ExtProd (External Products). The exceptions are gcc and java which in some cases can be installed with the operating system.

Operating System

The operating system dependencies are:

No specific version is specified, but only the ones provided with RHEL 7.6 (Maipo) are thoroughly tested.