

The Notify Service has several limitations, such as being resource intensive and not scaling well with the number of subscribers.

Obsolescence of current technology CORBA, used in ACS, which is no longer maintained, or its maintenance is limited. This project will also work as a first stone for the study of potential CORBA replacement.

CORBA Services include:

Objective: Find a replacement for the notification channel. Move away from CORBA while keeping in place the current API provided by Common Software.



Data Distribution Service (DDS) as an alternative to CORBA Notify Service: Data distribution service.PDF

Suitable Options for Replacement

Chosen Solution

ActiveMQ Artemis (latest version of ActiveMQ). Some of its relevant characteristics for which it was chosen are:

More details for the technology used can be found here.


  1. Initial study of current software and technology.
  2. Design.
  3. Implementation:
  4. Testing.
  5. Results and documentation.

Ghantt Chart

Initial Presentation

All the previous information can was presented in the initial presentation of the Summer Studentship.

Download: ALMA Notification Channel Replacement - Initial Presentation.pdf