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Using the ACS Makefile, you can take advantage of MAKE_GCOV environment variable:

Code Block
#Build ACS
cd ACS
MAKE_GCOV=1 make build

$Build a single module
cd <some_module>/src
MAKE_GCOV=1 make clean all install


The execution is the same as always, you don't need to use a wrapper application or pass any special flag or environment variable. You can either run an executable manually or use an automated testing system such as TAT.

As a result you will get a .gcda file for each translation unit that was initialized during the execution of your executable(s). The file will be placed by default in the same directory where the corresponding .gcno and .o are. For some scenarios, you may need this to be placed in a different directory, and for this you have the GCOV_PREFIX and GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP environment variables.


As an example we have built code from modules /home/almamgr/Repos/repo/mod1 and /home/almamgr/Repos/repo/mod2, and we want to analyze the .gcda data in /home/almamgr/gcov/data:

Code Block
export GCOV_PREFIX=/home/almamgr/gcov/data

#To automate the value for GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP, you could do something like this:
export GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=$(echo /home/almamgr/Repos/repo |grep -o / |wc -l)

In this case, the .gcda files will be found in /home/almamgr/Repos/repo/mod1/object and /home/almamgr/Repos/repo/mod2/object directories.


At this point we have the raw data .gcno and .gcda to generate the coverage information, and here there are a couple of alternatives:

  • gcov
  • gcovr
  • lcov
  • etc.

For the flexibility and ease of use, we decided to go with lcov, which is a frontend for gcov, offering the generation of coverage information without the need for source files and also adding reporting utilities.

For using lcov, go to the base directory you want to analyze for coverage and then execute:

Code Block
lcov --capture --exclude "/usr/include/*" --exclude "$ALMASW_INSTDIR/TAO/*" -d . --output-file

You may need to exclude further paths. In the case of doing coverage for ACS, you may want to only include $ALMASW_INSTDIR/ACSSW:

Code Block
lcov --capture --include "$PWD/*" --include "$ACSROOT/*" -d . --output-file

But in a project scenario, maybe only the $INTROOT or a set of $INTROOTs in an $INTLIST may be more useful. Remember to always include the directory where the .gcno and .gcda files are. In the case above that was achieved by including $PWD directory.

One more thing to notice is that the will consider the full path for your files in $PWD, so it may make sense to fix this to have a nice report later:

Code Block
sed -i "s|$PWD/||g"


The simplest report is to retrieve a summary from lcov:

Code Block
lcov --summary
Code Block
Reading tracefile
Summary coverage rate:
  lines......: 14.0% (1659 of 11863 lines)
  functions..: 6.4% (169 of 2622 functions)
  branches...: no data found

A more detailed report can be obtained by listing all files and the coverage of each one with -l or --list:

Code Block
lcov -l

The output will be something like this:

Code Block
Reading tracefile
                                               |Lines      |Functions|Branches  
Filename                                       |Rate    Num|Rate  Num|Rate   Num
ACSErrTypeCommon.h                             | 0.0%    23|    -   0|    -    0
ACSErrTypeCommonC.h                            | 0.0%     1| 0.0%   2|    -    0
acsThread.h                                    |66.7%     3|66.7%   3|    -    0
acsThreadBase.h                                |90.9%    22|75.0%   4|    -    0
acsThreadManager.h                             |90.9%    11|50.0%   4|    -    0

bt/include/bulkDataNTConfiguration.h           | 100%     4|    -   0|    -    0
bt/object/bulkDataNTGenSender.cpp              |56.7%   224|33.3%   3|    -    0
bulkDataNT/include/bulkDataNT.h                | 0.0%     1|    -   0|    -    0
bulkDataNT/include/bulkDataNTCallback.h        |85.7%    14|22.2%   9|    -    0
                                         Total:|14.0% 11863| 6.4%  2k|    -    0