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How can more people do development with ACS on the same machine without disturbing each other?Tomas StaigJul 24, 2020
Which ports are used by ACS?Tomas StaigJul 24, 2020
Problems connecting to ACS servers on a remote machine: bad /etc/hostsTomas StaigMay 18, 2020
Why does the getComponent method of ZLegacy/ACS.ContainerServices return an object of type None?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Why are some of my print statements not showing up in the container output section of acscommandcenter?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Why does the container emit a "Failed to create Python object" message when I try activating my component?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How does the ACS team work?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How is the documentation for the acsexmpl module generated?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Which format shall I use for long long with ACS_LOG?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How do I document command-line parameters for (C++) executable files?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
The Doxygen-generated documentation for a C++ class is missing. Where is it?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Where can I find the Doxygen-generated documentation on C++ defines?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
I cannot see "dot files" on my CD-ROM (.acs directory)Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How do I setup DHCP?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How do I work disconnected from the network, for example with a notebook?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How is possible to set the threshold level of RT logs?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
I am trying to use with ACS 6.0 an RTOS installation done with 5.0. I have errorsTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
After I installed the binary ACS installation, no kernel modules can be built / kernel module build fails due to missing include filesTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Help! I get strange error messages when I do make install for my kernel moduleTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Some RTAI files need root permission and S-bit. But these are lost with a binary installation of ACSTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How do I install RTAI on a Linux machine to be used with ACS?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
The time on the virtual machine is always wrong of a number of hoursTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How do I install a VM-Ware ACS image?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Core dump on client side with exception message 'No usable profile in IOR.', completed = NOTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How to establish secure communications?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Which bulkDataNTDefaultQosProfiles..xml is taken?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
When and how NDDS_DISCOVERY_PEERS env. variable should be used?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How to use CDB bulkData NT configuration in my code?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How to run bulkData NT synthetic tests?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What to put in the Makefile?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How to configure BDNT to use TCP ?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
BDNT configuration optionsTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What does it mean and how to interpret DataWriter protocol status .... and DataReader protocol status ..... messages?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What does it mean and how to interpret cbReceive took too long and cbReceive in AVG took too long messages?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Running in parallel two systems that use Bulk DataTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How is possible to configure protocol, host, port and number of flows in CDB for Bulk Data?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
I have a Component with many Properties. Often I get failures accessing the CDB. What happens?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What are startup components, and how can I define them in the ACS CDB?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Can I put many xml files in the same directory to specify the deployment?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can I put definitions for dynamic components in multiple files?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can I add components to the ACS CDB without modifying $ACS_CDB/MACI/Components/Components.xml?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What are hierarchical components, and how can I add hierarchical components to the ACS CDB?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What are the relationships between Components and Configuration Database?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can I have proprietary data ("custom config") for my component?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What's the concept of offshoots, and when should I use it?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
I had a running system that now breaks starting a ContainerTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
My own client can access my component just fine, but object explorer gives an exception when I click on it - why?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How are components initialized? What about cyclic dependencies?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What are dynamic components, and how are they used?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What are default components, and how are they used?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How do I deploy Components/Containers around distributed hosts?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Can I increase the verbosity and details of Manager logs?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Why does manager print an error stack trace that begins with "Failed to invoke 'components_unavailable()"?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What happens if the interface repository does not load properly?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How Can I reload some IDL in the interface repository?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
XML Spy validates XML files, but the CDB itself reports strange errorsTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can I ensure my CDB XML or schema is correct without having to start the CDB?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How is the interface repository loaded?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can I change the encoding of my xml/xsd files?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
XML parser error, because the type's content type is emptyTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
A command sent from Object Explorer timeouts after a few seconds. But my command would need more timeTomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can store logs and browse them later offline?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
What tools are provided with JacORB and how can I start them within ACS?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
How can I use the JLog gui remotely?Tomas StaigMay 15, 2020
Questions on starting Acs on a remote host from the Acs Command CenterTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I get the following message: libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work. Why?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
After a container segfaults and is restarted, objexp and other clients cannot seem to connect to components within the container. Why?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
When I try to stop and start a container again it fails. Why?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
After I shutdown the manager, I still see the JVM in the process table for some time. Why?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How to start Services, Manager, Container silently and synchronizedly?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I change JacORB properties, for example to increase verbosity?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why is Java so much slower on a remote X display?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I write a command help in C++?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I write a command help in Java?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I write a command help in Python?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I write a command help in Shell script (bash)?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I create Java Help (online help) for an application?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why does my call to Runtime.getRuntime().exec("....") hang?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How can components use static variables and Singletons? Are there Classloader issues?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What package should I use for the component implementation classes?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Logging (from threads not managed by ACS) does not work. What am I doing wrong?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
When I start GDB with a core file, GDB does not load any symbols and/or cannot tell me where the core was dumped. What is wrong?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What are the maximum and minimum values of native numeric types?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why does my CPP program abort if an unexpeted exception is thrown? Is it not possible to catch it?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What are the possible template types for DevIOs?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why is the SourceObject field always "GlobalLogger" when I log a Completion or Exception?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I want to try to find memory leaks in my application. How would I use valgrind?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I am setting an OK Completion in an asynchronous call, but the action thread reports an error. What is going on?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why is [the linker | the library loader at runtime] complaining about an undefined symbol which I declared as static member of one of my classes?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What is the C++ size in the mapping for CORBA types?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I change the name GlobalLogger or StaticMethodLogger within C++ logs?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Is it safe to return a 'const char *' from a local std::string?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
ACS is hogging all of the good command options. How can I use the command options I want?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why can't I import mod1 and mod2 from the same package when they aren't in the same directory?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Is there any possibility that I do not have to type in these very long Python commands?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How and why does the Python ACS.ContainerServices getComponent method automatically narrow components?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why do I see Usage: python someFile.py ... on the command-line and get booted out of the Python interpreter after importing a module or package?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why do I get omniORB.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: Minor: BAD_PARAM_WrongPythonType, COMPLETED_NO exceptions when invoking CORBA methods of components?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why can't I import xyz IDL data definition from abc IDL namespace?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
The python ORB (omniORB) has a maximum message sizeTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Using the del keyword on a Python object does not seem to really invoke the destructorTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How can I inherit from two different IDL interfaces?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Run time and compile time problems with IDL enumTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why can't I use '_' or a number as an identifier in IDL?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I get the following IDL error: prefix at declaration differs from prefix at definition or useTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What are the IDL limitations imposed by the ORBs we are using?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I am having problems with macros in IDLTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why can't I use nested modules in IDL?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What is the '#pragma prefix' in IDL?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
The JTextArea used for messages extends all the timeTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I reconnect a panel after a component is restarted?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I am trying to use Net Beans 3.6, but I have problemsTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I am editing a GUI but I cannot find the ABean for my Component/IDL interfaceTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I am editing a GUI with NetBeans, but I cannot connect properties to displayersTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Sometimes it takes longer than five seconds to receive an event after it was published. What's going on?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Are there are limitations on how/where IDL events are defined?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
I know events are being sent but they cannot be received by Consumer classes. What's wrong?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why isn't the channel also destroyed when I invoke Supplier/SimpleSupplier's disconnect method?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What do I do if my Junit TAT test doesn't produce any output at all?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How can I run msqld automatically at boot time?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
When running TAT or make test, my prologue does not get executed. What is wrong here?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I run a modular test when the value of $ACS_INSTANCE is not known until run-time?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What is the Alarm System and can it be used from my code?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What do all of the characteristics such as archive_min_int defined in $ACS_CDB/CDB/alma/ XMLs actually do?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What are archive monitors and how do they work?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why do on-change string, pattern, and stringSeq monitors ignore the delta change value?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How come string and pattern monitors are implemented differently from other types of monitors?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do on-change monitors work?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why are stringSeq properties only implemented in the Java BACI prototype?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why do I get strange exceptions such as CORBA::no_implement from the objexp tool when invoking certain methods of Java and Python BACI properties?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why should components not run GUIs?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Can I call getComponent and releaseComponent multiple times? How would the calls be handled?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Can I pass around directly a Component Reference from one Component to another?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Do I need to make the methods on my component thread-safe or is that handled for me automatically?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How does ACS support writing Subsystem Master Components?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How can I build/test only SPECIFIC modules in the ACS subsystem Makefile?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
What targets and options are available in the ACS subsystem Makefile?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I build a module without debugging information?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Do I need to "make install" a module after having made changes, to be able to test it?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Makefile does not rebuild code if include file is modifiedTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Is it mandatory that I install ACS in the /alma directory?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I get from cvs the files need for an ACS build?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I get a core file when a Container crashes?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Why do I have (for some modules) make both the WS and LCU sides of a module even if I am only using the LCU side?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How can I switch from one ACS release to another?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Is it possible to install ACS on a file server?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I tell the version of a module or of an installed file?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Working with new modulesTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
Problems starting the Interface Repository. Bad network configurationTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I configure an ACS workstation to use a different hostname or IP address?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I build/upgrade an ACS installation to a new CVS tag from sources?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How do I install multiple versions, minor versions and patches of ACS on the same machine at the same time? How do I switch between different versions of ACS?Tomas StaigMay 13, 2020
After having configured ACS for my account, I get error accessing files. For example the file .jacorb_properties cannot be foundTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
After having sourced the .acs/.bash_profile.acs environment setting script, I get a weird behaviorTomas StaigMay 13, 2020
How can I build the complete ACS from scratch?Tomas StaigMay 12, 2020
How can I configure a user account for ACS development?Tomas StaigMay 12, 2020
What are the minimum system requirements to run ACS?Tomas StaigMay 12, 2020

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