
Why does the getComponent method of ZLegacy/ACS.ContainerServices return an object of type None?


Sometimes the getComponent method will fail with an error message like:

2004-08-09T21:49:09.000 getComponent - Unable to narrow 'FRIDGE1' component: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_narrow'

A few possible reasons for this are:

  • the container responsible for activating FRIDGE1 has been shutdown already or was never started
  • the Python CORBA stubs for your IDL interface are not in your $PYTHONPATH environment variable. There is a very high probability this is the case if the IDL module (i.e., namespace) your IDL interface is defined in is reopened in other ALMA CVS modules. See ALMASW2002083 in the ALMA SPR system for more details.
  • the wrong component name is being used

-- DavidFugate - 09 Aug 2004