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How to configure BDNT to use TCP ?
By default is bulk data NT configured to use UDP (unicast or multi-cast) for sending data from the sender to the receiver(s).
If an user wants to use TCP instead this has to be done:
) that enables and configure TCP for sending data. This is already provided by the bulkDataNT installation for most XML profile files, so nothing shoudl be done by the user.TCPBulkDataQoSLibrary
). This can be done using (TM)CDB or API.setQosLibrary
for ssender/receiver stream/flow configuration object. Here is an example for sender stream and sender flow://configuration for a (sender)stream SenderStreamConfiguration scfg; scfg.setQosLibrary("TCPBulkDataQoSLibrary"); //configuration for a (sender)flow SenderFlowConfiguration fcfg; fcfg.setQosLibrary("TCPBulkDataQoSLibrary");
attribute in DDSSenderFlowQoS=/=DDSReceiverFlowQoS
XML element of Sender=/=ReceiverFlow
and DDSReceiverStreamQoS=/DDSSenderStreamQoS XML element for =ReceiverStream=/=SenderStream
. Here is an example for sender stream/flow:<SenderStream Name="ExampleStream"> <SenderFlow Name="ExampleDataFlow"> <DDSSenderFlowQoS baseQosLibrary="BulkDataQoSLibrary"/> </SenderFlow> <DDSSenderStreamQoS baseQosLibrary="BulkDataQoSLibrary"/> </SenderStream>
-- BogdanJeram - 2013-07-17