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What does it mean and how to interpret DataWriter protocol status .... and DataReader protocol status ..... messages?
The messages are produced by BDNT Sender and Receiver, respectively.
Values in round brackets are number of bytes for each data.
It is important that (on sender side = DataWriter) there are not too many NACKs (=not many requests for resending of the data). It is good if ratio between: "NACKs" and "pushed" is low, below 0.1 (10%). If ratio is high means problems on either network or receiver (too slow).
In case of using TCP (reliable!) transmission # NACKs should be 0 (or maybe a bit more).
Be aware that this message is generated just if BULKDATA_NT_DEBUG
is set to 1 or more, and it is a DEBUG message!
In bulkDataNT/src/
exists protocolStatsParseLog
script (still a prototype) that can help to search/grep XML logs for protocol status messages".
-- BogdanJeram - 2013-09-26