
How do I tell the version of a module or of an installed file?


The easiest way to tell the version of a module is to check the file module/src/Makefile. The RCS ID of the file, common to all files in the module and defining the version of the module is in the 4th line in the file header:

# "@(#) $Id: FAQFileVersion.txt,v 1.4 2014/05/12 12:37:07 AlessandroCaproni Exp $"

The RCSID is automatically updated by CVS whenever the module is archived. To see what you have currently installed in you system, look at the files:



Each of there files tells you what is currently installed in the respective areas. The file vltMakeInstall.log contains the history of all installed modules.

Remember that if a module has been installed in more than one place, $INTROOT takes the precedence over $INTLIST which takes precedence over $ACSROOT. Typically, if you install a patch to a module, it goes in $INTROOT and gets priority over the "official" version installed in $INTLIST or $ACSROOT.