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ACS is hogging all of the good command options. How can I use the command options I want?
The example below overloads the '-m' option.
#! /usr/bin/env python # Proof that ACS shadows a command line option "-m". # SimpleClient imports BaseClient # Base Client imports ACSCorba where the "bad" function is executed. # # ACSCorba implements the getManager() function which calls # getManagerCorbaloc() where the command line options # "-managerReference" and "-m" are checked. import optparse import sys parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-m", "--max", dest="maxDist", default = 4.0, type="float", help="How far out to search [arcmin]. Default: %default arcmin.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Need to add the program name back for the logger sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + args # This import triggers the creation of a _Client object. # Moving it here will pick up the edited sys.argv # rather than the original. from Acspy.Clients.SimpleClient import PySimpleClient simpleClient = PySimpleClient.getInstance("Bar") print "Value of option maxDist = %f" % options.maxDist simpleClient.disconnect() ### end of example
You get what you want, '-m' working as expected. As an added bonus, -managerReference is still available if needed.