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What are the relationships between Components and Configuration Database?
Let's suppose that we are working under <module_name>/src and we want to define a component "My_Comp"
This Component might be
For simple ACSComponents we only need to put in the configuration database the static deployment information, i.e., we have to configure the Manager for all statically defined instances of our Component. For example, when we write the modular test for our Component we need to
In the case of CharacteristicComponents, we have to specify what information will be stored in the configuration database and make sure that each instance can find the corresponding configuration.
Therefore we need to:
In this way, we keep separate the "definition" (the schemas made available at installation time) from the "instantiation" of my object (what is under CDB/MACI and CDB/alma).
-- GianlucaChiozzi - 02 Mar 2004