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How do I setup DHCP?
As of ACS 4.1.1, there are no special requirements ACS imposes for DHCP usage! Everything should work correctly (aside from some extra output omniORB emits) provided you do not try to contact remote ACS machines.
If you need to contact remote ACS machines
For a laptop that is moved around but still need to get in touch with other ACS machines, you to make sure that the network is always configured to have an hostname mapping a valid IP in /etc/hosts
The utility acsDHCPBoot
is in general capable of performing this configuration, with some caveats due to specific network configuration issues. See the man page for details:
> man acsDHCPBoot
You clearly need root privileges and good self-confidence in administering your machine or a good friend at your helpdesk
For a machine whose adress changes often and automatically (a laptop using DHCP is a typical case), it could be convenient to have this configuration performed automatically at boot time.
This is the standard configuration for the ACS VmWare distribution.
One way to do it for RH 7.x and 9 (and may be higher) is:
1) Put the file:
2) Create in the directories:
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d /etc/rc.d/rc4.d /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
The following symbolic link:
ln -s ../init.d/acsDHCPConfig S99ZacsDHCPConfig
The name S99Z..... ensures that this is executed as the last step in you boot procedure.
-- DavidFugate - 28 Jun 2005