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What are the possible template types for DevIOs?
You can use only those CORBA types for which an equivalent BACI::R[O|W]-type exists.
Think of this C++-code:
class foo: public DevIO< CORBA::Octet > { // bla };
Our characteristic component shall have a Baci-property of type long:
SmartPropertyPointer< baci::ROlong > bar; DevIO< CORBA::Octet >* myDevIO;
We instantiate the new DevIO somewhere in the initialisation step of the component and pass this to the constructor of baci::ROlong:
myDevIO = new foo; bar = new baci::ROlong(propName, getComponent(), myDevIO);
The compiler will create an error for the call of the constructor. It is expected to pass a DevIO< CORBA::Long >* and not DevIO< CORBA::Octet >*. This is due to the fact that baci::ROlong is actually a typedef ($ACSROOT/include/baciROlong.h):
typedef ROcontImpl<ACS_RO_T(long, CORBA::Long)> ROlong;