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Why isn't the channel also destroyed when I invoke Supplier/SimpleSupplier's disconnect method?
Short Answer:
Please refer to the doxgyen-generated documentation or pydoc for the Supplier/SimpleSupplier class and you will find that the disconnect method does not claim to destroy the notification channel it's connected to. Use the protected destroyNotificationChannel method instead if you really need to do this.
Detailed Explanation:
Some developers seem to be confused by this probably because they do not realize the underlying notification channel object not only does not reside in their supplier object's process space; it is most likely is located on another PC entirely. Also, if their supplier object was the first to try to connect to the channel it will create it and then shouldn't it destroy the channel after disconnecting? The answer to this is no and here's why - one of the very first subjects that comes up in the ACS Notification Channel tutorial is that the ACS Notification Channel framework supports a many-to-many publishing/subscribe mechanism (this is in the ACS Architecture document as well). Logically, how could this be the case if one of N suppliers destroys the channel out from under the other (N-1) suppliers once it's done using the channel?