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Table of Contents


  • This is the system entry point for the Operators
  • It allows the Operator to start/stop the Scheduler's automatic mode, and provides them manual access to the low level components
  • It should provide a component that implements all methods, and a TUI client to access those methods.


  • Generic Methods

    • void setMode(in boolean mode): Interacts with the Scheduler component in the following way:

      • If internal mode is changed from Manual to Manual nothing happens
      • If internal mode is changed from Manual to Automatic, start method in Scheduler gets called
      • If internal mode is changed from Automatic to Manual, stop method in Scheduler gets called
      • If internal mode is changed from Automatic to AutomaticSYSTEMErr::AlreadyInAutomaticEx exception is raised
    • boolean getMode():
      • Returns the current value of the internal mode (Either Manual or Automatic)
    • Initial value for internal mode should be Manual
  • Instrument Interaction
    • void cameraOn(): Method cameraOn on Instrument component gets called
    • void cameraOff(): Method cameraOff on Instrument component gets called
    • TYPES::ImageType getCameraImage(): Method takeImage on Instrument component gets called, returning the image
    • void setRGB(in TYPES::RGB rgbConfig): Method setRGB on Instrument component gets called, passing arguments along

    • void setPixelBias(in long bias): Method setPixelBias on Instrument component gets called, passing arguments along
    • void setResetLevel(in long resetLevel): Method setResetLevel on Instrument component gets called, passing arguments along
  • Telescope Interaction
    • void moveTelescope(in TYPES::Position coordinates): Method moveTelescope on Telescope component gets called, passing along the telescope coordinates
    • TYPES::Position getTelescopePosition(): Method getTelescopePosition on Telescope component gets called, returning the current telescope position

Dummy Components

  • For development testing, you require the following simulated components:
    • Scheduler
    • Instrument
    • Telescope


  • This is the system entry point for the Astronomers
  • Besides allowing an astronomer to:
    • Store a target list
    • Query for the status
    • Retrieve the proposal observations
    • It provides methods to get the proposals currently inserted into the Database
    • To set a status to a given proposal
    • To insert a given observation into the Database
  • Proposal consists of:
    • TargetList (which is a list of one or more Target )
    • Identifier and a status (0 - queued, 1 - running, 2 - ready)
    • A unique identifier is assigned by the database component and returned to the client after storing its TargetList
  • Target consists of:
    • Position specification
    • Exposure time
    • Target identifier assigned by the astronomer
      • The target identifiers should be unique per proposal
  • Position is simply the telescope position to be reached for that observation


  • long storeProposal (in TYPES::TargetList targets):
    • Stores the given TYPES::TargetList in some kind of database (Memory, SQLite, Redis, etc.), along with the proposal status and the proposal ID
      • Proposals are initiated with proposal status with STATUS_INITIAL_PROPOSAL value
      • It returns a unique porposal ID for the proposal
      • The proposal ID has to be unique
  • long getProposalStatus(in long pid):
    • Returns the proposal status for the given proposal ID
    • In case the proposal ID is not recognized, it returns STATUS_NO_SUCH_PROPOSAL
  • void removeProposal(in long pid):
    • Removes the proposal associated with given proposal ID
    • If the proposal ID is not present, then do not execute any operation and don't report any problem
  • TYPES::ImageList getProposalObservations(in long pid):
    • Retuns all images associated to a given proposal ID
    • Throw SYSTEMErr::ProposalNotYetReadyEx exception if proposal ID has not been executed yet
  • ProposalList getProposals():
    • Returns stored proposals which have not been executed yet
      • Proposals with queued status

      • If there are no pending proposals returns an empty list

  • void setProposalStatus(in long pid, in long status):
    • Set the proposal status

    • Raises SYSTEMErr::InvalidProposalStatusTransitionEx if the change is not from queued(0) to running(1) or from running(1) to ready(2)

  • void storeImage(in long pid, in long tid, in TYPES::ImageType image):

    • Stores an image for a given proposal ID and target ID

    • Raises SYSTEMErr::ImageAlreadyStoredEx if an image has already been stored for the given target ID and proposal ID combination

Dummy Components

  • No other components are needed to test Database Component


  • The Scheduler is responsible to:
    • Select a proposal from the Database
    • Execute a proposal
    • Store the observations
    • Manage the proposal's lifecycle
  • The observations are scheduled automatically according to some scheduling algorithm as soon as the scheduler is requested to start
  • On stop it will complete the executing proposal before suspending the automatic mode


  • void start():
    • Starts the Scheduler
    • The Scheduler will loop through all available proposals, either until all proposals are done or until the stop method is called
    • If the Scheduler is already running, then throws SYSTEMErr::SchedulerAlreadyRunningEx
  • void stop():
    • Stops the Scheduler

    • This will stop the Scheduler from scheduling more proposals

    • It will not(!) break the ongoing observation, and will return only when the running observation has finished

    • If the Scheduler is not running, then throw SYSTEMErr::SchedulerAlreadyStoppedEx
  • long proposalUnderExecution():
    • Returns the proposal id of the proposal currently under execution

    • Raises SYSTEMErr::NoProposalExecutingEx if no proposal is executing.

Dummy Components

  • For development testing, you require the following simulated components:
    • Database
    • Instrument
    • Telescope


  • This component communicates with the low level hardware access layer to:
    • Execute observations; i.e. moves the telescope to a given position
    • Acquires the image from the Instrument for a given exposure time once the telescope is in position


Dummy Components


  • Sets the CCD camera on and off
  • Takes an image with a given exposure time