Versions Compared


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This is the first ACS development to be used in Cycle 11. Below is the list of addressed tickets.

Summary of Changes

  • Maintenance
    • Small fix in generic handling of anonymous exceptions
    • Lowered log priority for optional BACI property parameters
    • MonitoringSyncTool to jump dummy parents in schema hierarchy
    • Fixed AsdmExportLight dependencies
    • buildPython script improvements in problems detections
    • Characteristic Components in Python now properly inherit BACI properties from ancestors
    • Rename of non-standard internal files and classes in C++ logging system
  • Obsolescence
    • Java 17 compatibility
    • TMCDB Explorer to make use of JPA Criteria API
  • ACE/TAO retrieved from GitHub
  • CORBA::Exception now inherits from std::exception
  • EventConverter supports custom metadata in events and configuration of redis channel prefix/suffix
  • Support for test coverage reports in Python, C++ and Java...

Addressed JIRA tickets

jqlQueryproject in ("Integrated Computing Team") and component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) and fixVersion=COMMON-2023APR ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC

Release Notes

No Format
git status
On branch integration/COMMON-2023APR
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/integration/COMMON-2022APR2023APR'.

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2022APR -- ACS

-2023APR -- ACS
0203395b566 ICT-21021: Initial changes needed to support Java coverage
a064880e2ef (origin/feature/ICT-21573) ICT-21573 TMCDB/Utils to use JPA Criteria API
3175271ce98 (origin/task/ICT-21723) ICT-21723: Updated ACS to 2023APR version
130fbab5789 (origin/bugfix/ICT-21739) ICT-21739: Consider complex hierarchies in MonitoringSyncTool
2d8944e548e (origin/feature/ICT-21624) ICT-21624: Lowered missing field log to info
c32982be61b (origin/bugfix/ICT-21757) ICT-21757: Correctly propagating errors in buildPython script
f067f99c07b (origin/feature/ICT-21740) ICT-21740: Installing ACE/TAO/MPC from Git repository
4611c9c87d8 ICT-21770: Fix to consider BACI props from parent classes of object
9ad70bc6f13 (origin/bugfix/ICT-21770) ICT-21770: Added regression module for reproducing the issue
77ae7bcc618 ICT-21724: Build applications explicitly for Java 17
3890c76b606 (origin/feature/ICT-21569) ICT-21569: Added namespace to handle_exception implementation
c1091ceee0f (origin/feature/ICT-21019) ICT-21019: Replaced -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage by --coverage
5861e8d87c2 (origin/feature/ICT-22018) ICT-22018: Renamed loggingStatistics class to comform to conventions
0c5fb74019c ICT-21021: Support in acsMakeJavaClasspath for Eclipse jars
b84005dd358 ICT-21021: Consider CLASSPATH when -cp/-classpath is not used
3d89a3688fe ICT-21021: Allow make all with ACS_COVERAGE to use cov wrappers
b2a975232ea ICT-21021: Exporting PATH to sub-makes for tatbin path
e4d61c6c9f7 ICT-21021: Avoid race condition between tat and make removing tatbin
36d77860906 ICT-21021: Coverage for ACS Classpath and sub-processes
fdfab7b9d35 (origin/feature/ICT-21021) ICT-21021: Group Makefiles to call make test instead of TAT directly
7eb91f9b703 (origin/bugfix/ICT-22153) ICT-22153: Support for Serializer reflection in Castor

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2022APR2023APR -- ARCHIVE
39a7cabcb8d (origin/bugfix/ICT-21874) ICT-21874: Corrected commons-cli version typo to 1.5.0
77ae7bcc618 ICT-21724: Build applications explicitly for Java 17

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2022APR -- ICD-2023APR -- ICD
bcc19653aa2 ICT-21573: Changes for JPA Criteria API in TMCDB Explorer
64d8c20cf12 ICT-21573: Fixing dependency version in config files
a064880e2ef (origin/feature/ICT-21573) ICT-21573 TMCDB/Utils to use JPA Criteria API
77ae7bcc618 ICT-21724: Build applications explicitly for Java 17
d298dd5f7be ICT-21892 change to JavaRowDef.xpt to make the toBin method public
a6a9a8f3a0b ICT-21885 changes to JavaMergerDef.xpt and CppMergerImpl.xpt to handle the special case of the spectralWindowId in CalAntennaSolutions table
8a7582efb15 Add additional check on null spectralWindowId tag  before using it in the set call
2ed936ed8ee This time, the correct change that should have been in the previous commit
a805e285a34 ICT-21557 ICD/ADAPT/message-bus-tests: updated tests and
116421e01e2 ICT-21557 ICD/ADAPT/message-bus-tests: updated tests and
cf7ead15d12 ICT-21557 ICD/ADAPT: upgraded spring.boot.version to 2.7.4
769c372debc ICT-21557 ADAPT: ported to Spring Boot 2.7.4 and Java 11 (!), updated documentation, cleanup
f3e63431fde (origin/feature/ICT-21557-upgrade-spring-libs-for-adapt-icd-obops) ICT-21557 ICD/ADAPT: upgraded POM versions to 2023.04

OS Support:

  • The officially supported OS is the 64 bit version of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 8.5 (Ootpa)"
    • The binary distribution of ACS (tarball) is made for this OS
    • We also successfully use its clone "CentOS Stream 8"
    • For all machines the expected kernel is 4.18.0
  • Unofficially, "CentOS Stream 9" has also been used successfully


  • Gcc: 8.5 (RHEL 8.5.0)
  • Java: openjdk-11.0.4, openjdk-17.0.6
  • Python: 3.8.6
  • ACE: 7.0.6
  • TAO: 3.0.6
  • JacORB: 3.9
  • omniorb: 4.3.0


jqlQueryproject = 'Integrated Computing Team' AND issuetype = Bug AND fixVersion = COMMON-2023APR AND component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) AND createdDate >= '2023-04-0304' ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC

Problems Found And Fix Version in Future Releases

jqlQueryproject = 'Integrated Computing Team' AND issuetype = Bug AND affectedVersion in (COMMON-2023APR) AND fixVersion not in (COMMON-2023APR) AND component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) AND createdDate >= '2023-04-0304' ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC