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Bulk Data NT

Software Design and How-to Manual
Approved by:Date:Signature:

Bogdan Jeram



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B. Jeram






|Owner |Bogdan Jeram (|

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B. Jeram



Table of Contents



The ACS bulk data is a software subsystem – ACS package which allows to transfer bigger amount of data from many senders to one receiver, from one sender to many receivers, and if needed also from many senders to many receivers.
First version of the bulk data was based on the TAO Audio/Video Streaming Service, which, in turn, implements the OMG CORBA Audio/Video Streaming Service specifications. Later the bulk data was re-implemented with DDS (Data Distribution Service) technology in particular with RTI implementation of OMG DDS specification. We refer to this this version of the bulk data as to bulk data new technology, or short bulk data NT. The bulk data was designed to keep the underlying details away from the end user, what means that for end user does not have to understand the details of DDS, or A/V streaming.
At the moment the bulk data NT is implemented just in C++ programming language. However, if needed, an implementation in other programming languages like Java can be added.
Although the BDNT is based on ALMA requirements, it was designed and implemented in a way that is generic, and can be used also for other cases.
This document describes the bulk data NT and shows how to use it, configuring …


This document describes the bulk data NT and shows how to use it, configuring …

Design and Implementation


Basic concepts

The entity that sends data out we refer to as a sender, and there is a contra part entity called receiver, which, as name suggests, receives data. The data are transferred from the sender(s) to the receiver(s) on so called flow. One or more flows is/are organized inside a concept calling a stream. There is a sender stream, and flow and receiver stream, and flow. We refer to each stream and flow with a name. A specific data transfer path is defined with the combination of stream and flow name.
Besides bulk data defines a high level protocol for transmitting the data:
First a parameter has to be sent – a sequence of octets of arbitrary data that should be interpreted by the application that uses bulk data. After, the data in form of one or more octet sequences can be sent.At the end it is necessary to inform receiver(s) that no more data will be sent.In case of bulk data NT that is based on DDS the data are transmitted in chunks – frames of a size of 64000bytes.
The implementation of Bulk Data NT comes in two flavors:

  • C++ API
  • ACS component (IDL) which internal uses C++ API



For each concept described in 2.1 there exists a corresponding C++ class which is going to be described in this section.
bulkDataNTReceiverStream and bulkDataNTSenderStream are classes that represent sender or receiver stream, and they both inherits from common base class BulkDataNTStream. If we want to create a stream we have to insatiate an object of stream class.
Similar we have for receiver and sender flows corresponding classes: bulkDataNTReceiverFlow and bulkDataNTSenderFlow.


Sender stream – class BulkDataNTSenderStream

The sender stream class represents sender stream.
Sender stream constructor. As first parameter it takes the (sender) stream name. Optional it is possible to give configuration (SenderStreamConfiguration) as second parameter; otherwise a default sender stream configuration is used:


A method to create a new sender flow (BulkDataNTSenderFlow) on the sender stream. As first parameter it takes (receiver) flow name. Optional is possible to provide also sender flow configuration (SenderFlowConfiguration), a sender flow status callback (BulkDataNTSenderFlowStatusCallback), and a flag if the callback should be deleted with the flow.

 BulkDataNTSenderFlow* createFlow(const char *flowName, 


 BulkDataNTSenderFlow * getFlow(const char *flowName)



Sender flow - class BulkDataNTSenderFlow

A sender flow is represented with class BulkDataNTSenderFlow. A new sender flow object can be created by invoking createFlow method on a sender stream object (BulkDataNTSenderStream). The class provides three methods to send data according to the bulk data protocol:
At the beginning of the transmition we send to the receiver(s) so called "parameter" by invoking method:


The sender flow object(s) is/are destroyed when the containing sender stream object is destroyed, but it can be also destroyed explicitly by invoking C++ delete.


Sender flow status callback – class BulkDataNTSenderFlowStatusCallback

We can get asynchronously (via callback) informed about different status changes in the sender flow, by providing an optional, so called sender flow status callback object, when we create a sender flow object. In this way we can get informed about an error, and new connection/disconnection of a receiver. A user has to create a new class that derives from BulkDataNTSenderFlowStatusCallback) and implement one, or all of the following methods:
virtual void onError(ACSErr::CompletionImpl &error)


to get notification that a receiver has disconnected, with the number of the receivers that remains connected.
The information (the name) about the stream/flow that invokes the callback can be retrieved with methods:
const char* getFlowName()
const char* getStreamName()


Receiver stream – class BulkDataNTReceiverStream<>

The receiver stream is implemented with a template class, where as the template parameter can be given a class that implements receiver callback.
Similar to sender stream we can create a receiver stream object by giving a receiver stream name, and optional receiver stream configuration (ReceiverStreamConfiguration):

BulkDataNTReceiverStream(const char *streamName, const ReceiverStreamConfiguration &c)
There is also a possibility to specify the receiver name, so that we can distinguish between different receivers. The receiver name can be given as first parameter, the rest is the same as for the other constructor:

BulkDataNTReceiverStream(const char *receiverName, const char *streamName, const ReceiverStreamConfiguration &c)
The same way as for sender case we can create a new receiver flow by invoking createFlow method which takes as the first parameter receiver flow name. In addition can be optionally passed: a receiver flow configuration (ReceiverFlowConfiguration), a receiver callback, and a flag if the receiver callback has to be deleted together with the flow.


BulkDataNTReceiverFlow * getFlow(const char *flowName)


Receiver flow – class BulkDataNTReceiverFlow

A receiver flow is represented with class BulkDataNTReceiverFlow. A new receiver flow object can be created by invoking createFlow method on a receiver stream object (BulkDataNTReceiverStream). At the construction time it is possible to provide a receiver callback object, otherwise the receiver stream class creates one using class given as template parameter. The callback object can be retrieved at any time by invoking:

 BulkDataNTCallback * getCallbackObject()

or template version:

 template<class T> T * getCallback()



Receiver callback – class BulkDataNTCallback

Class BulkDataNTCallback, more precise, its implementation provides the way that the data are received, and the notification of different receiver's event like errors. For the data transmitting the three methods that reflects the bulk data protocol, have to be implemented.

 virtual int cbStart(unsigned char *userParam_p, unsigned int size=0)

which 0which is called when the parameter data arrives to the sender. This method corresponds to sender flow method startSend.
When the data arrives to the receiver side (to the receiver flow) the method:

virtual int cbReceive(unsigned char *frame_p, unsigned int size=0)

is =0is invoked. The method corresponds to the sendData method of the sender flow. For larger data (bigger than 64k) this method is invoked several times.

At the end of transmission it is called:

virtual int cbStop ()

In addition the receiver callback mechanism gives to the user a possibility to get notified about possible errors:

virtual void onError(ACSErr::CompletionImpl &error)

The method is called when an error happens in the flow's callback (cbStart/cbReceive/cbStop). The error is contained in the error completion.

A separate callback method that is invoked in case of the data is lost:

virtual void onDataLost(unsigned long frameCount, unsigned long totalFrames, ACSErr::CompletionImpl &error)

which gives to the user information about at which frame the data lost occurred(frameCount), and what is the total number of the occurrence(totalFrames).

Notification about a new sender connection, or disconnection is done by calling:

virtual void onSenderConnect() virtual void onSenderDisconnect()

In the implementation of the receiver callback class can be useful to get information about the stream/flow and receiver for what can be used methods:

const char * getStreamName() 
const char * getFlowName() 
const char * getReceiverName()


Configuration classes

We could see that when we create a stream or flow we can give also a configuration. For this purpose there have been introduced 4 classes:


Those classes contain member attributes per configuration. The values can be fed in different way: grammatically with setter methods, or from CDB using configuration parse what is explained in details in section: 2.4.




ACS component (IDL)



Sender component - IDL: BulkDataSender and C++:BulkDataNTSenderImpl

BulkDataNTSenderImpl is an abstract class which provides the implementation of the sender component - BulkDataSender IDL. It implements two methods:
void connect(bulkdata::BulkDataReceiver_ptr receiverObj_p)For backward compatible reason (with A/V version of bulk data) it takes as parameter reference to a receiver, which is ignored. The method reads streams and flows information from configuration data base, and creates corresponding sender streams' and sender flows' objects. void disconnect()It deletes all sender streams' and flows' objects created in connect method.
In order to create a new sender component, the user can either create a new IDL interface which inherits from the interface BulkDataSender (using in this way the connect and disconnect method of the base class), or creating a completely new one. The implementation of the component/IDL can in this case inherit from BulkDataSenderImpl and provide the implementation of the three methods from IDL:


To actually send the data, the respective methods of the BulkDataNTSenderFlow class for each flow have to be called inside the three methods described above. In particular, the user has to call:

  • getSenderStream("Stream1")>getFlow("FlowA")>startSend(…) in startSend
  • getSenderStream("Stream1")>getFlow("FlowA")>sendData(…) in paceData
  • getSenderStream("Stream1")>getFlow("FlowA")>stopSend(…) in stopSend

BulkDataNTSenderStream {}getSenderStream{*}(const char *name) returns the sender stream for the name (in our example "Stream1") which has to be created in the connect method using information from CDB. If we have more streams in the sender component we have to "loop" over all of them.


Receiver component - IDL: BulkDataReceiver and C++:BulkDataNTReceiverImpl< TCallback>

The class BulkDataNTReceiverImpl<TCallback> implements the receiver component – BulkDataReceiver IDL. It implements following (IDL) methods:
void openReceiver()The method reads streams and flows information from configuration data base, and creates all corresponding receiver streams', and receiver flows' objects. If someone wants to "open" just particular stream and its flows that are defined in the CDB it can be used: void openReceiverStream(const char *stream_name)
All the receiver streams and flows can be "closed" - destroyed by calling IDL method: void closeReceiver()
If we want to "close" just a particular stream and its flows we can use: void closeReceiverStream(const char *stream_name)
The Receiver can receive data only using a callback mechanism (see section 2.2.6). The template class BulkDataNTReceiverImpl<TCallback> provides the hook for the receiver callback. TCallback is a class which must inherit from BulkDataCallback and must implement the three methods cbStart(), cbReceive() and cbStop(). As it is described in section: 2.2.6: cbStart() is called automatically by the bulk data when the sender calls startSend(), cbReceive() when it calls paceData() or sendData(), and cbStop() when it calls stopSend().



Configuration data base (CDB)

Primary the configuration in CDB for the bulk data NT was ment to be used for configuring stream/flows that receiver/sender bulk data component is going to create, but configuration can be used/read also directly from C++.
Sender and receiver components reads information about which streams and flows should be created from the configuration data base – CDB. There is also possible to give additional configuration like timeout, for a particular stream/flow. The configuration is given in XML format, where there is an XML element for each stream (SenderStream or ReceiverStream), which can contain one or more flow XML elements (SenderFlow or ReceiverFlow). Stream and flow configuration can be specified using XML attributes in either stream or flow element.
An example of a configuration for two streams: Array1Stream and Array2Stream with 2 flows each: SpectralData, WVR for a sender component: <SenderStream

<SenderStream Name="Array1Stream">


 <SenderFlow Name="SpectralData"/>


 <SenderFlow Name="WVR"/>
</SenderStream >


 <SenderStream Name="Array2Stream">


 <SenderFlow Name="SpectralData"/>


 <SenderFlow Name="WVR"/>
</SenderStream >

and corresponding configuration for receiver component(s): <ReceiverStream

<ReceiverStream Name="Array1Stream">


 <ReceiverFlow Name="SpectralData"/>


 <ReceiverFlow Name="WVR"/>
</ReceiverStream >


 <ReceiverStream Name="Array2Stream">


 <ReceiverFlow Name="SpectralData"/>


 <ReceiverFlow Name="WVR"/>
</ReceiverStream >

As we can see we have to give to sender and receiver the same names for stream and flows to be able to establish the communication between them.



Reading stream/flow configuration using C++ API

If the CDB configuration is used in for defineing and configuring streams and flows inside a component the names of the stream and flows are equal to the corresponding names in the CDB. We can say that the stream/flow name and the configuration name are bound together.With the new bulk data it is possible to distinguish between stream/flow name and the configuration name. For this purpose it was added functionality to easy use the CDB configuration also directly from C++ API. In such a way we can for example define a default configuration(s) for streams/flows that can be used in someone's application/component. As described in section 2.2.7 there are defined 4 classes which instance represents configuring for a stream/flow. The configuration can be feed by invoking proper setter method(s), or it can be read from CDB.
The best is to look into an example how to retrieve a (default) configuration = how to use the C++ API: Let's assume that we have in CDB (alma branch) under folder DefaultCorrBDNTCfg in file DefaultCorrBDNTCfg.xml following configuration:

<ReceiverStream Name="DefaultCORRStreamCfg">
<ReceiverFlow Name="DefaultCORRSpectralDataFlowCfg"
<ReceiverFlow Name="DefaultCORRXYZFlowCfg"/>

and we would like to use this configuration for our stream(s) and flow(s).First we have to obtain/read the (XML) data, in the standard way from the CDB:

CDB::DAL_ptr dal_p = getContainerServices()->getCDB();
ACE_CString CDBpath="alma/";
CDBpath += "DefaultCorrBDNTCfg"; //node name in CDB like
char *xmlNode = dal_



So now we have the configuration XML string from CDB which should be fed to the parser:

BulkDataConfigurationParser parser_m = new BulkDataConfigurationParser( "DefaultCorrBDNTCfg{*}" );
//if you want to have more than one BulkDataConfigurationParser (=more than one cfg node in CDB), should each have unique name / could be component name.
parser_m->parseReceiverConfig(xmlNode); //xmlNode can be also a XML string

Now, we have to obtain proper the configuration from the parser, in this case for ReceiverStream (ReceiverStreamConfiguration) and ReceiverFlow (ReceiverFlowConfiguration), but it is equivalent for the sender side (SenderStreamConfiguration / SenderFlowConfiguration)

 ReceiverStreamConfiguration* rcvStrCfg = parser_m->getReceiverStreamConfiguration("DefaultCORRStreamCfg"); // get Receiver Stream cfg
// now we create receiver stream with the configuration
BulkDataNTReceiverStream<MyCallback> stream = new BulkDataNTReceiverStream<MyCallback>("MyStream", *{}rcvStrCfg{*});

And similar we get the configuration for the ReceiverFlow:

 ReceiverFlowConfiguration {}rcvSpecDataFlowCfg* = parser_m->getReceiverFlowConfiguration("DefaultCORRStreamCfg", "DefaultCORRSpectralDataFlowCfg");
 BulkDataNTReceiverFlow * specDataFlow = stream->createFlow("SpectralDataFlow", {}rcvSpecDataFlowCfg{*});