Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Obsolescence management
    • Maven (3.8.5)
    • Eclipse (4.23) 
    • Removal of loki library – Replacement with standard C++11 functionality
    • Python Dependencies (10)
    • Java Dependencies (11)
  • C++ Logging
    • Performance study 
    • New C++ logging macro allowing to reuse logger instance
    • Performance improvement in logger XML parsing
  • C++ modernization and best practices
    • The "using" statement was removed from header files
    • ACE_TSS replaced by C++11 TLS (Thread Local Storage)
    • Loki singleton replaced by C++11 functionality
    • ACS exceptions passed by reference
  • ACS Command Center to properly handle Python output
  • Component Caller API security proposal
  • BulkDataNTOpenDDS now aligned with several improvements from BulkDataNT (RTI DDS) implementation
  • ACS jar files artifacts deployed on ALMA's Maven repository along each release
  • Python packages are being deployed on JAO's prototype PyPI server
  • Modules' test stabilization (10+ additional tests now working properly)
  • OBSPREP alternative compilation using Maven

Addressed JIRA tickets

jqlQueryproject in ("Integrated Computing Team") and component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) and fixVersion=COMMON-2022JUN ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC

Release Notes

No Format
git status
On branch integration/COMMON-2022JUN
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/integration/COMMON-2022JUN'.

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2022JUN -- ACS
7b6c7097fd ICT-20133: Replaced ACE_TSS by thread_local on acsthread module
a76d4af877 (origin/feature/ICT-20133) ICT-20133: Replaced ACE_TSS by thread_local on logging module
e05333300a ICT-20138: Replaced the use of loki singleton for local static variable
b2c7d69a55 ICT-20138: local static variable instead of loki singleton archiveevents
cd2a14ec2e (origin/bugfix/ICT-20263) ICT-20263: ACS Command Center unbuffered Python for local container
33e2345662 ICT-20267: Remove using statement from header files in task module
246f8e33ab ICT-20267: ICT-20267: Remove using statement from headers in ACSLaser
0850ef50ee ICT-20267: Remove using statement from header files in parameter module
cf59d8bd47 ICT-20385: ACS Exceptions are handled by reference
50ffed0be1 ICT-20267: Additional problems in parameter without using statements
439250c49d ICT-20272: Replicate BDNT changes on OpenDDS Impl ICT 20353
45020f0c06 ICT-20272: Replicate BDNT changes on OpenDDS Impl ICT 20354
0f5bdcef3b ICT-20272: Replicate BDNT changes on OpenDDS Impl ICT 19968
c5ba2d8565 ICT-20272: Upgrade OpenDDS to 3.20
6306d9d436 ICT-20272: Replicate BDNT changes on OpenDDS Impl ICT 19936
5b7ba02c91 ICT-20392: Handle better multiple profiles in module and settings.xml
53559b1e5c ICT-20456: ACS version to 2022JUN
a756ba3ca3 (origin/task/ICT-20456) ICT-20456: Patch level back to 0
a1707f194f ICT-20392: Updated group Makefiles with deploy tareget Also cleaned them up and made them consistent
8807b0965d ICT-20392: Modules with special deploy considerations fixed
c5ef9c75ca ICT-20392: ACS/Makefile cleanup
5524d15073 ICT-20392: csselector now provided as custom Java Dependency
457e902483 ICT-20392: Changes in generatePom script and ACS Makefile
c99467891c ICT-20392: Fixed outdated dependencies in files
2a6f6c4ed5 (origin/feature/ICT-20272) ICT-20272: TAO IDL uses version 4 when compiling for OpenDDS
ac0928d7c3 ICT-20508: Removed loki library from ACS
965cc09575 ICT-20507: commons-scxml now provided with Maven as Java dep
51ec35de5a ICT-20519: Removed xsddoc from Tools and now is used from Java Deps
9067495031 ICT-20519: Removed xsddoc files and moved script to Kit
f8bf1d8e94 (origin/feature/ICT-20505) ICT-20505: Upgraded Maven to 3.8.5
e9474a3220 ICT-20506: Upgrade of Eclipse to 4.23 along with other required changes
abf3f76bd6 ICT-20511: Upgrade of Java dependencies for 2022JUN
7c3ea5b8a5 (origin/feature/ICT-20509) ICT-20509: Upgrade of Python deps for 2022JUN
0f9de1b670 ICT-20508: Removed loki from library dependencies
4d24b7cac9 (origin/feature/ICT-20385) ICT-20385: A fix to catch by reference in parameterTask
e68a1c2a93 ICT-20392: Mvn Skip checking artifacts dependencies on install/deploy
dc75b23916 ICT-20392: Updating use of selector to csselector in AlarmSystemProfiler
e6b29c5f11 (origin/task/ICT-20392) ICT-20392: Fixing small typo in csselector jar name
647f68a69f ICT-20525: cdbChecker to use commons-cli for args parsing
7da84f3c9c (origin/feature/ICT-20525) ICT-20525: Reformatting cdbChecker error message
f5a94525fa ICT-20535: Changes for deployment on PyPI server
f43575a2b4 ICT-20556: Replaced custom xml parser for rapidxml in logging
fdc9a3832c ICT-20556: Remove leftovers of custom XML parser in logging module
1c7401fd03 ICT-20556: RapidXML bugfix, improvements in Logger destructor Some fix for logging tests
b8741d8fd7 ICT-20535: Small bug-fix in ACS Makefile for generatePom command
f3496b6d50 ICT-20511: Correcting version for bulding/running java apps in 2022JUN
eccf049479 (origin/task/ICT-20535) ICT-20535: Custom deploy target updated for cdb_rdb
1b2a5b72ca (origin/feature/ICT-20267) ICT-20267: ACSLaser fix for std::string without using statements
543e8cbafc ICT-20511: Remove use of jfcunit in ACS Command Center tests
252a825f7f (origin/feature/ICT-20556) ICT-20556: Removed nanosleep
d8341613d7 (origin/task/ICT-20374) ICT-20374: Changes to fix enumprop test suite
dabe31a58a (origin/task/ICT-20376) ICT-20376: Fixing moncollect test suite
473b60bfeb (origin/task/ICT-20377) ICT-20377: Fixed jbaci test suite
934e98a889 ICT-20379: Fixed managerTest test suite
0993b13030 (origin/task/ICT-20375) ICT-20375: Fixed jmanager test suite
bc6940c2d8 (origin/feature/ICT-20506) ICT-20506: Additional Eclipse RCP dependencies for new version
88fa7eef86 (origin/task/ICT-20639) ICT-20639: acslog test suite now passing
0ec04bd0d4 (origin/bugfix/ICT-15379) ICT-15379: Added new logging macro to reuse logger

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2022JUN -- ARCHIVE
a5e1819186 ICT-20511: Changes to ARCHIVE/ICD for 2022JUN Java deps upgrade
f3496b6d50 ICT-20511: Correcting version for bulding/running java apps in 2022JUN

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2022JUN -- ICD
b9d4d378d0 Included code to avoid null pointer exception when no configuration is selected
7ca6851782 (origin/bugfix/ICT-17861-tmcdb-explorers-find-configuration-wizard-nullpointerexception) removed print out  message, minor change
143a207ae6 (origin/bugfix/ICT-20291) ICT-20291: Remove Device Libraries view from Tmcdb Explorer
a5e1819186 ICT-20511: Changes to ARCHIVE/ICD for 2022JUN Java deps upgrade
0b93e04dc2 ICT-20506: Changes in ICD for Eclipse 4.23
2058a1e67c (origin/feature/ICT-20508) ICT-20508: Changes in ICD for loki removal
8f7237f285 (origin/bugfix/ACACORR-ICT-19594-master) ICT-19594:Update ACACorrConfigValidator tat to adapt to SchedBlock.xsd
f3496b6d50 ICT-20511: Correcting version for bulding/running java apps in 2022JUN
01b3308012 (origin/feature/ICT-18413) feature/ICT-18413 change deploy log filename in ICD/ADAPT Makefile
bc6940c2d8 (origin/feature/ICT-20506) ICT-20506: Additional Eclipse RCP dependencies for new version
c454e22ea0 (origin/bugfix/ICT-20617-mvn-icd-is-still-attempting-to-deploy-two-modules-to-artifactory) ICt-20617 prevented maven trying to deploy artifacts when the no-deploy profile is specified


jqlQueryproject = 'Integrated Computing Team' AND issuetype = Bug AND fixVersion = COMMON-2022JUN AND component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) AND createdDate >= '2021-06-06' ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC

Problems Found And Fix Version in Future Releases

jqlQueryproject = 'Integrated Computing Team' AND issuetype = Bug AND affectedVersion in (COMMON-2022JUN) AND fixVersion not in (COMMON-2022JUN) AND component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) AND createdDate >= '2021-06-06' ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC