


Short Term (2021JUN / 2021AUG)

  • Maintenance (Bug-fixing / Improvements)
  • Obsolescence Management
    • Python3 (8 packages) – 2021JUN
    • Java (9 packages) – 2021JUN
    • Move External Dependencies (Some of ACS' Tools) out of ACS build and into ExtProd
      • More tools will be moved – 2021JUN
  • Generate Maven Artifacts for ACS Jars
    • Script to generate custom POM file for managing dependencies - 2021JUN
      • Will also take advantage to create script to generate for Python dependencies
    • Add dependency information in ACS Makefile (propagated to generated POM files) – 2021AUG
  • ACS New Makefile (ARCHIVE + ICD)
    • ACS Build Farm building ACS w/ new makefile – 2021APR
    • Initial work being carried by ACS/Common, using work by Patrick on ICD as starting point – 2021JUN
  • C++ Modernization – Threading – 2021JUN
    • As discussed in previous meeting, this will be optional, if time allows deliverable
  • Summer Internships
    • Evaluate feasibility of integrating the results as part of ACS – 2021JUN/2021AUG

Mid Term (2021AUG --> 2021DEC)

  • RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Coordination
    • Roll-out a plan and discuss the feasibility of making the software compatible with RHEL 7 and 8 by Cycle 9
    • There are some constrains with kernel module development which may push the change to Cycle 10
      • Should be migrated with 2021NOV at the latest for a Cycle 9 target
      • Could be targeted for Cycle 10 if developers consider this is necessary
  • ACS C++ Modernization SmartPointers – Likely 2021OCT/2021DEC
  • Coordination for implementing simulation switch for CONTROL devices between ACS and CONTROL-SERVICES – 2021AUG/2021OCT

Long Term (TBD)

  • Redesign C++ Logging
  • Java Modules

Other Input

Not Relevant



* Tentative base for 2021JUN until the meeting has been held

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


  1. Maintenance (Bug-fixing) if needed
  2. New Makefile rollout (ACS + ARCHIVE + ICD)
  3. Obsolescence Management
    1. Upgrade packages
    2. Move dependencies to Ext Prods
  4. Maven Artifacts with transitive dependencies
  5. ActiveMQ Notification Channel follow up
  6. Threading Modernization

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (ralph.marson)

    For 2021JUN I would like to see the Makefile given a high priority, above anything else on the list but below high and blocker priority bugs. This includes integration with ACS, ARCHIVE & ICD and enough infrastructure so that it can be used in other subsystems, in particular CONTROL.

    For the 2021AUG or 2021OCT release I'd like to see a lingering issue with simulated components in the TMCDB (ICT-17129) completed. This will require coordinated changes in both ACS and CONTROL.

    For the 2021OCT or 2021DEC release I'd like to see changes to allow Maven artefacts, from the ACS, ARCHIVE and ICD subsystems be uploaded to a repository accessible to all ICT developers. These artefacts should include transitive dependencies.  Exactly how this will work will require ICT-wide discussions.

  2. Unknown User (rachel.rosen)

     I chatted with Pat Murphy and Cycle10 for RHEL8 works well for him. Just as for us, it would be a struggle to be ready for Cycle9. I suggest we plan for Cycle10 to use RHEL8 and start planning about a year ahead of time.