
Component IDL

#ifndef _ASYNC_IDL_
#define _ASYNC_IDL_
#pragma prefix "acs"
#include <acscommon.idl>
#include <acscomponent.idl>
module examples
    interface MyCallback: ACS::OffShoot {
        void update(in string text);

    interface Async : ACS::ACSComponent {
        oneway void delayAsync(in ACS::uLong delay, in MyCallback cb);

    interface Async : ACS::ACSComponent {
        void delay(in ACS::uLong delay);

Component Implementation


#ifndef _ASYNC_IMPL_H
#define _ASYNC_IMPL_H
#include <acscomponentImpl.h>
#include <AsyncS.h>
class AsyncImpl : public virtual acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl, public virtual POA_examples::Async
    AsyncImpl(const ACE_CString& name, maci::ContainerServices* containerServices);
    virtual ~AsyncImpl();
    void delayAsync(ACS::uLong delay, acs::examples::MyCallback_ptr cb);
#include <AsyncImpl.h>
#include <ACSErrTypeOK.h>
AsyncImpl::AsyncImpl(const ACE_CString& name, maci::ContainerServices* containerServices) : acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl(name, containerServices) {
AsyncImpl::~AsyncImpl() {
void AsyncImpl::delayAsync(ACS::uLong delay, acs::examples::MyCallback_ptr cb) {
/* --------------- [ MACI DLL support functions ] -----------------*/
#include <maciACSComponentDefines.h>
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*/


<e Name="ASYNC_CPP"

Client Implementation

Callback Definition


#ifndef _MY_CB_IMPL_H
#define _MY_CB_IMPL_H

#include <AsyncC.h>

class MyCBImpl : public virtual POA_examples::MyCallback {
    MyCBImpl() {
    virtual ~CBuLongImpl() {}
    void update(const char* value) {
        status = std::string(value);
    std::string status;

Standalone Client


#include <maciSimpleClient.h>
#include <AsyncC.h>
#include <ACSErrTypeCommon.h>
#include <acsutilTimeStamp.h>
#include <MyCBImpl.h>

using namespace maci;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    SimpleClient client;
    examples::Async_var comp;
    if (client.init(argc,argv) == 0) {
        return -1;
    } else {
    try {
        comp = client.getComponent<examples::Async>("ASYNC_CPP", 0, true);
    } catch(maciErrType::CannotGetComponentExImpl& _ex) {
        return -1;
    MyCBImpl cb;
    examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = cb._this();
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    comp->delayAsync(8, cbObj.in());
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    try {
    } catch(maciErrType::CannotReleaseComponentExImpl &_ex) {
        return -1;
    return 0;

Component Client


#include <acscomponentImpl.h>
#include <AsyncS.h>
class AsyncClientImpl : public virtual acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl, public virtual POA_examples::AsyncClient
    AsyncClientImpl(const ACE_CString& name, maci::ContainerServices* containerServices);
    virtual ~AsyncClientImpl();
    void delay(ACS::uLong delay);
#include <AsyncClientImpl.h>
#include <ACSErrTypeOK.h>
AsyncClientImpl::AsyncClientImpl(const ACE_CString& name, maci::ContainerServices* containerServices) : acscomponent::ACSComponentImpl(name, containerServices) {
AsyncClientImpl::~AsyncClientImpl() {
void AsyncClientImpl::delay(ACS::uLong delay) {
    examples::Async_var comp = getContainerServices().getComponent<examples::Async>("ASYNC_CPP", 0, true);

    MyCBImpl cb;
    ACS::OffShoot_var offshoot = getContainerServices().activateOffShoot(&cb);
    examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = examples::MyCallback::_narrow(offshoot);

    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    comp->delayAsync(delay, cbObj.in());
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status));
    ACS_SHORT_LOG((LM_INFO, "%s", cb.status)); 

/* --------------- [ MACI DLL support functions ] -----------------*/
#include <maciACSComponentDefines.h>
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*/



OffShoot Standalone Client

When working with standalone clients, we need to handle the servant lifecycle of the offshoots/callbacks. There are two approaches:

  1. Manual activation/deactivation of the CORBA object
  2. Manual activation with automatic deactivation of the CORBA object through the POA cleanup process

Manual OffShoot activation/deactivation

This approach is valid both for stack and heap instances of an OffShoot:

Stack OffShoot

For the OffShoot servant instance on the stack, you need to make sure to deactivate the OffShoot servant before cb variable goes out of scope. Here you will get compilation issues if you try to deactivate it after going out of scope.

MyCBImpl cb;
examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = cb._this();
//Deactivate the Offshoot servant
PortableServer::POA_var poa = cb._default_POA();
PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = poa->servant_to_id(&cb);
Heap OffShoot

For the OffShoot servant instance on the heap, you need to make sure to deactivate the OffShoot servant before destroying the cb variable. Doing it in the reverse order has undefined behavior, usually ending in segmentation fault.

MyCBImpl* cb = new MyCBImpl();
examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = cb->_this();
//Deactivate the Offshoot servant
PortableServer::POA_var poa = cb->_default_POA();
PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = poa->servant_to_id(cb);

// Make sure to delete the OffShoot servant instance after deactivating the CORBA object
delete cb;

Manual OffShoot activation with automatic deactivation

This approach is valid both for stack and heap instances of an OffShoot:

Stack OffShoot

For the OffShoot servant instance on the stack, you need to make sure ORB is stopped before cb variable goes out of scope. The variable going out of scope before stopping the ORB is undefined behavior resulting in segmentation fault in most implementations due to trying to access a memory address in a different stack.

    MyCBImpl cb;
    examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = cb._this();
    // Stop ORB
Heap OffShoot

For the OffShoot servant instance on the heap, you need to make sure to delete the OffShoot servant instance after ORB is stopped. If the variable is deleted before stopping the ORB has undefined behavior, regularly resulting in segmentation fault due to using a destroyed instance.

MyCBImpl* cb = new MyCBImpl();
examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = cb->_this();
// Stop ORB
// Delete the heap OffShoot servant instance
delete cb;

OffShoot Component Client

When working with clients in a component, we need to handle the servant lifecycle of the offshoots/callbacks. There are three approaches:

  1. Manual activation/deactivation of the CORBA object
  2. Manual activation with automatic deactivation of the CORBA object through the POA cleanup process
  3. Manual activation/deactivation of the CORBA object through the container services

The first two are very similar to the Standalone Client, but with some caveats that will be explained in the following sections

Manual OffShoot activation/deactivation

The implementation is exactly the same as in the standalone client, the restriction here is just a bit stricter, here we need to deactivate the OffShoot servant before the component is deactivated. It could be part of the method, or be implemented as part of the cleanUp/aboutToAbort component's lifecycle methods, depending on the design decisions. If due to your design it fails to deactivate the OffShoot servant before deactivating the component, then you will get undefined behavior and probably segmentation fault when shutting down the container.

Another downside from this approach is that the ACS developers need to interact directly with CORBA details.

Manual OffShoot activation with automatic deactivation

While technically feasible, there are additional complications to implementing this both for stack and heap OffShoot servant instances. The component is always deactivated before the ORB shuts down, implying that the stack variables will get deleted before the ORB shuts down, resulting in undefined behavior and usually segmentation fault when container is shutting down. It should be possible (although not recommended) to workaround this by storing the servant in global or class variables. For the heap variables, it is possible to skip the deletion of the variable and delegate that to the POA cleanup process.

Both cases have other complications due to dynamic library loading of shared objects. Since in both cases the actual destruction of the OffShoot servant objects has been delayed until after the dynamic libraries have been unloaded, the memory address (pointer) is not associated to any known definition. Trying to delete these objects has undefined behavior and usually leads to segmentation fault.

Both cases have a base workaround, by starting the container with some dynamic libraries pre-loaded:

LD_PRELOAD=$INTROOT/lib/libAsyncClientImpl.so acsStartContainer -cpp bilboContainer

But while this works, it beats the whole purpose of dynamic deployment through the CDB. If we want to redeploy the components, we would need to change the container starting scripts to make sure we pre-load appropriate libraries.

In the case of the heap OffShoot servant we are running in a memory leak scenario. To prevent the leak, we need to guarantee the POA handles the destruction of the OffShoot servant instance. We can do that by removing one reference from the counter, so when the POA reduces the counter by one, it forces the destruction of the variable:

MyCBImpl* cb = new MyCBImpl(); //Ref count = 1
examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = cb->_this(); // Ref count = 2
cb->_remove_ref(); // Ref count = 1
// When the ORB stops, the counter is reduced once more
// Leading to Ref count = 0 and triggering
// delete this; //Same as delete cb;

Do not reduce the reference count when using stack OffShoot servant instance as it will trigger double free unexpected behavior (and probably segmentation fault).

Manual Offshoot activation/deactivation using ACS container services

The idea behind this approach is very similar to point 1. with manual OffShoot activation/deactivation, however there are two benefits:

  • The CORBA details are encapsulated in an ACS framework method
  • A special POA is used instead of the default one, providing special policies recommended for transient CORBA objects
    • PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID
    • PortableServer::TRANSIENT
    • PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY
    • PortableServer::RETAIN

It is possible to use this approach both for stack and heap variables with the same restrictions:

Stack OffShoot

For the OffShoot servant instance on the stack, you need to make sure to deactivate the OffShoot servant before cb variable goes out of scope. Here you will get compilation issues if you try to deactivate it after going out of scope.

MyCBImpl cb;
ACS::OffShoot_var offshoot = getContainerServices().activateOffShoot(&cb);
examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = examples::MyCallback::_narrow(offshoot.in());
//Deactivate the Offshoot servant
Heap OffShoot

For the OffShoot servant instance on the heap, you need to make sure to deactivate the OffShoot servant before destroying the cb variable. Doing it in the reverse order has undefined behavior, usually ending in segmentation fault.

MyCBImpl* cb = new MyCBImpl();
ACS::OffShoot_var offshoot = getContainerServices().activateOffShoot(cb);
examples::MyCallback_var cbObj = examples::MyCallback::_narrow(offshoot.in());
//Deactivate the Offshoot servant

// Make sure to delete the OffShoot servant instance after deactivating the CORBA object
delete cb;
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