


Short Term (2020OCT / 2020DEC)

  • Maintenance (Bug-fixing / Improvements)
  • (Ralph) Separate the HW and SW sides of the TMCDB
    • ICT-9558 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Makefile Refactoring Pending Tasks – 2020OCT
  • ComponentCaller to handle methods with Callbacks  ICT-16673 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • C++14/17 Support
  • Obsolescence Management
    • xercesc – 2020OCT
    • boost – 2020OCT
    • ACE/TAO – 2020DEC
    • mico (Removal!) – 2020DEC
    • cppunit – 2020DEC
    • (Ralph) There is a lot of obsolete software. I think every two monthly release should make progress on updating something. These two packages are good candidates for 2020OCT.
      • 2 per month would be nice, I will prepare a calendar, but will need to re-check if it's not too ambitious

Mid Term (2021 FEB --> 2021JUN)

  • Finish ACS Makefile Refactoring – 2020DEC / 2021JAN
    • Restart efforts with other subsystems
  • Redesign Notification Service – 2020DEC
  • ACS and Java Modules (Just allowing the usage, no porting whatsoever) – 2021FEB

Long Term (TBD)

  • ACS C++ Thread modernization – ~2021JUN
  • BulkData Replacement
  • Redesign C++ Logging

Other Input

  • BulkDataNT Status and Alternatives

Not Relevant

  • Homogenize logs sent to XML files and Kafka (Ticket still pending)
    • The approach was changed for now to be tackled elsewhere
  • ACS and Java Modules
    • From tests performed by Unknown User (ralph.marson), this seems to be a major task that may not be worth the effort
      • To be checked again in the future



* Tentative base for 2020OCT until the meeting has been held

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Action Items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
  • No labels