Table of contents

Release history and use in Alma

This is the fifth ACS development to be used in Cycle 11. Below is the list of addressed tickets.

Summary of Changes

  • Upgrade Jakarta EE, Hibernate 6.x, Spring 6.x, SpringBoot 3.x and Tomcat 10.x|11.x
  • EventConverter: Improved handling of connection error to Redis
  • PySimpleClient and requests package import together causes to wait for ACS manager
  • ACS Maven commands should be made in batch-mode
  • Upgrade Tycho and Eclipse versions for COMMON
  • Notification Channel problems in thread checking NC status
  • Java: Replace deprecated "new Type" for primitive wrapper classes in ACS
  • Manager should ping clients asynchronously
  • acsStartJava to support add-opens parameter
  • Correct some ACS Phase A tests

Addressed JIRA tickets

Key Summary T Created Updated Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Release Notes

git status
On branch integration/COMMON-2023OCT
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/integration/COMMON-2023OCT'.

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2023OCT -- ACS

95a14448462 ICT-21882: Migration to Jakarta EE / Hibernate 6 / Spring 6
d77e9868084 ICT-21882: Updated hibernate-tools-orm dependency in codegen
207310a7d10 ICT-22749: Updated ACS to 2023OCT version
d6c80937cb1 ICT-21882: Updated jakarta.persistence, hibernate and spring versions
df2b5934562 ICT-21882: CDB API Rest migration to Jakarta package
b5f7b78420a ICT-21882: Downgraded to Hibernate 6.1.7 due to pojo bug in 6.2
28d62487244 (origin/feature/ICT-22759) ICT-22759: Maven in batch mode on Makefiles and scripts
a839fc24682 (origin/feature/ICT-22763) ICT-22763: Updated Tycho and Eclipse version
cbc953414c2 (origin/bugfix/ICT-22872) ICT-22872: Fix in NC for correct null checks
5175f14e6fe ICT-21882: Upgraded tomcat to 10.1.13 and commons-io to 2.13.0
4c2def6995e ICT-21882: Fixed issue with Hibernate 6.2, so updated to 6.2.6
029a4e0265d (origin/feature/ICT-21882) ICT-21882: Added jackson with specific versions to POM file
3d83ae1f20d (origin/bugfix/ICT-22762) ICT-22762: Retry and queue mechanism for EventConverter to Redis
6504fba5bd7 ICT-22950: Replaced new Type(...) by Type.valueOf(...) for primitives
36f59bafcdb ICT-22950: Special handling of Double conversion to Float.valueOf(...)
4246787c976 ICT-22955: acsStartJava support for add-opens flag
1cf41d53fd2 (origin/feature/ICT-22955) ICT-22955: Small fixes to add-opens mechanics in acsStartJava
78d850bbd9b ICT-22952: API for async ping and Manager implementation
39e3d56ee8b ICT-22952: Fixing tests for async ping API
50921a0c203 (origin/feature/ICT-22950) ICT-22950: Fixed constant type for float
7586366ff36 ICT-22968: Fixed acspyexmpl Phase A tests
864c3b6b88b ICT-22968: Fixed tests for jacsutil module
9254235c5bc ICT-22968: Fixed tests for acserr module
83f2dfc342c ICT-22968: Fixed Phase A tests for module containerTests/contNcTest
75d1ea2aef8 ICT-22968: Fixed Phase A for containerTests/corbaRefPersistenceTest It also checks for async ping reconnection behavior
e99bac22f41 (origin/feature/ICT-22952) ICT-22952: Async Ping Handling in ACS/Benchmark
487cd12a09a (origin/bugfix/ICT-22731) ICT-22731: Logging is enabled even if ACS is not running Once ACS has started, logs will start going to the remote logger
e770738e327 (origin/feature/ICT-22968) ICT-22968: Kit/acs Phase A tests corrections

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2023OCT -- ARCHIVE

95a14448462 ICT-21882: Migration to Jakarta EE / Hibernate 6 / Spring 6
d6c80937cb1 ICT-21882: Updated jakarta.persistence, hibernate and spring versions
28d62487244 (origin/feature/ICT-22759) ICT-22759: Maven in batch mode on Makefiles and scripts
9a3169f38c1 CT-21882: Archive moved Hibernate version to 6.1.7
4c2def6995e ICT-21882: Fixed issue with Hibernate 6.2, so updated to 6.2.6

git log --no-merges --oneline --reverse origin/master..origin/integration/COMMON-2023OCT -- ICD

f1fc0d53016 ICT-21870 migrated StateSystem to Hibernate 6 & JPA Criteria
95a14448462 ICT-21882: Migration to Jakarta EE / Hibernate 6 / Spring 6
71d53a4204e ICT-21870 temp maven version for Spring6
731c7e4a640 ICT-21882: AlmaStringEnumUserType is not a real Enum
f4259d9295c ICT-21882: TMCDB Explorer changes for upgrade of Hibernate/Spring 6
f1874f27fbc ICT-21870 changed pom java version to 17
4d651eab7e8 ICT-21870 Upgraded to spring 6.0.8 & hibernate 6.2.2
638bddd21d0 ICT-21870 upgraded to jakarta.mail
39c1435d654 ICT-21870 changed javax.annotation to jakarta.annotation
f5dc2bf62c9 ICT-21870 improved domain mapping classes
b6cfc4e7c5d ICT-21870 changed pom version to 2023.10
398cadb1f9d ICT-21870 removed commons-logging from ICD/OBOPS
3777e21a449 ICT-21870 replaced HibernateXmlType with @JdbcTypeCode( SqlTypes.SQLXML )
d4aa3b62d60 ICT-21870 updated StateSystem text context xml files for JPA
ab9ec77eff3 ICT-22522 Upgraded Java, SpringBoot, and deps
a81412b61fa ICT-22522 message-bus-tests: tests can be now run from Maven
4457433dc1a ICT-22522 message-bus-*: restored deleted stuff that was actually needed
d6c80937cb1 ICT-21882: Updated jakarta.persistence, hibernate and spring versions
b5f7b78420a ICT-21882: Downgraded to Hibernate 6.1.7 due to pojo bug in 6.2
28d62487244 (origin/feature/ICT-22759) ICT-22759: Maven in batch mode on Makefiles and scripts
a839fc24682 (origin/feature/ICT-22763) ICT-22763: Updated Tycho and Eclipse version
b5a9b26e1c3 ICT-21882: Updated schema versions for spring beans configuration
8e7ccfe2d43 Update to migrate Hibernate6
451ce6519de Update to migrate Hibernate6
b66ef424ce8 ICT-21923: Manual merge of changes from Cycle-9 compatible branch to ONLINE-2023JAN. Some additions not yet implemeted there are also still pending here.
ce96b333666 ICT-22849: Add new SPW grouping identifier
dc606bc7d16 ICT-21882: Upgraded jakarta.servlet-api version to 6.0.0

OS Support:

  • The officially supported OS is the 64 bit version of "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 8.5 (Ootpa)"
    • The binary distribution of ACS (tarball) is made for this OS
    • We also successfully use its clone "CentOS Stream 8"
    • For all machines the expected kernel is 4.18.0
  • Unofficially, "CentOS Stream 9" has also been used successfully

The expected and actual versions of compilers, ORBs and various RPMs can be found by running the command =acsConfigReport=, both for required RPMs and for software shipped together with ACS. To get a rough overview before installing ACS, here are the most basic ones:

  • Gcc: 8.5 (RHEL 8.5.0)
  • Java: openjdk-17.x.x
  • Python: 3.8.6
  • ACE: 7.0.6
  • TAO: 3.0.6
  • JacORB: 3.9
  • omniorb: 4.3.0

The operating system dependencies are:

  • redhat-lsb-core
  • ksh
  • gcc
  • gcc-c++
  • gcc-fortran
  • libX11-devel
  • libffi-devel
  • perl
  • readline-devel
  • bzip2
  • bzip2-devel
  • openssl-devel
  • openldap-devel
  • libxml2-devel
  • freetype-devel
  • libxslt-devel
  • sqlite-devel
  • expat-devel
  • bison
  • flex
  • autoconf
  • unzip
  • dos2unix
  • tcl-devel
  • tk-devel
  • procmail
  • cppunit-devel
  • doxygen
  • graphviz
  • astyle
  • boost-devel
  • swig
  • xerces-c-devel
  • tcl-devel
  • tk-devel

If you need to build doxygen/graphviz instead of installing at OS level, you also need:

  • cmake
  • libarchive



  • (tick): All tests are passing
  • (warning): Some tests are failing
  • (minus): Execution of tests was aborted
  • (error): Execution of tests failed

The evolution of ACS tests during development of 2022OCT:

BuildDateStatusTestsPassedSkippedFailedCoverage (Cpp)Coverage (Java)Coverage (Py)Coverage (Total)


Problems Found And Fix Version in This Release

Key Summary T Created Updated Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Problems Found And Fix Version in Future Releases

Key Summary T Created Updated Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

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