Versions Compared


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  • EventConverter: Improved handling of connection error to Redis
  • Upgrade Jakarta EE, Hibernate 6.x, Spring 6.x, SpringBoot 3.x and Tomcat 10.x|11.x
  • When using PySimpleClient for requests and ACS Logger is imported to request the remote CORBA logger,  ACS manager hangs. This may be caused by an urllib3 update. This was fixed adding a check of the manager state before retreiving the remote CORBA logger. If it was not available, it won't be used and the remote log calls are skipped. The next time the manager is available, the remote logger will be retrieved and logging would work as usual in the remote logger.
  • buildACSDependencies and other Makefiles with Maven commands now have the -B flag to make them in batch-mode.
  • Updated Tycho and Eclipse version
  • Fix missing checks for null variables in Notification Channel
  • Replaced the "new Type" of primitive wrapper Java classes in ACS for a Singleton implementation, due to Java deprecating the constructor for primitive wrapper classes on benefit of a singleton instance used for each value.
  • Asynchronous pings from the Manager to it's clients. Added a new method (pingCB(cb)) to the Manager and Client interfaces.
  • and requests package import together causes to wait for ACS manager
  • ACS Maven commands should be made in batch-mode
  • Upgrade Tycho and Eclipse versions for COMMON
  • Notification Channel problems in thread checking NC status
  • Java: Replace deprecated "new Type" for primitive wrapper classes in ACS
  • Manager should ping clients asynchronously
  • acsStartJava to support add-opens parameter
  • Correct some ACS Phase A testsacsStartJava now supports --add-opens flag, to allow with more flexibility to grant access to secured packages in a module.

Addressed JIRA tickets

jqlQueryproject in ("Integrated Computing Team") and component in (componentMatch('(?m)(^12.)')) and fixVersion=COMMON-2023OCT ORDER BY priority DESC, key ASC
