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Public Repository

There's a public repository for read-only access to retrieve the available versions of ACS:

You would need to simply cloning this repository:

git clone

If you get an SSL problem:

Cloning into 'acs'...
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Simply disable the http.sslVerify property:

git config --global http.sslVerify false

After this it should work correctly:

Cloning into 'acs'...
remote: Counting objects: 37078, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12651/12651), done.
remote: Total 37078 (delta 20928), reused 36720 (delta 20571)
Receiving objects: 100% (37078/37078), 154.18 MiB | 2.96 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (20928/20928), done.
Updating files: 100% (14173/14173), done.

ACS Releases

ACS Releases are delivered every 2 months according to the Release Calendars page. The internal naming convention is COMMON-YYYYMMM, but for the community we use the YYYYMMM naming convention directly. The release notes of a release can be found in the Release Notes page and then choosing the appropriate version (consider here we use the internal naming convention). The releases are simply presented as branches, so to retrieve one release do the following:

git checkout <branch name>

In the public repository, there are two formats for the branches related to a release:

Old Branching Convention (up-to 2020FEB)

The old branching convention was focused on how ALMA handles its releases, this is using the following convention: release/ONLINE-YYYYMMM-B and release/OFFLINE-YYYYMMM-B. There are ONLINE releases for every odd month, which includes the verified and validated version of ACS corresponding to the previous month. That is, for example, release/ONLINE-2020MAR bring the 2020FEB ACS release. The OFFLINE releases are present for every month with the exception of JAN and SEP (This is due to internal ALMA milestones), which includes the ACS version of the same or previous month. That is, if it is an even release, the ACS provided is from the same month and if it's an odd release, then the ACS provided is from the previous month.

In general terms, it is recommended to use the ACS provided in the release/ONLINE-YYYYMMM, because it ensures an ACS versions that has been properly verified and validated against the ALMA SW.

Current Branching Convention (Starting from 2020APR)

Starting from 2020APR, the new branching convention is to simply put the ACS release in the acs/YYYYMMM branch. That would mean that the following releases would be made available for this year:

  • acs/2020APR
  • acs/2020JUN
  • acs/2020AUG
  • acs/2020OCT
  • acs/2020DEC

acs/2020FEB has already been missed, but in the future, the acs/YYYYFEB would also be available there. These releases will ensure that the verification has been properly done, and will be delivered in a faster scheme than before (3-4 weeks of delay).

  • No labels