



  • Should ACS forward the cbStop callback to the receivers when coming from the unexpected StartState / StopState states?
    • ICT-21093 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • ICT-20598 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
    • Stakeholders will read about the tickets and give feedback about the issue at hand
  • ACS wants to change lib/python/site-packages for the official lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
    • bash_profile.acs would use:

      python -c 'import os, sys; print(os.path.join("lib", "python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2], "site-packages"))'
    • If needed an env variable could be set with that info. For instance PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_SUFFIX
    • It simplifies several things when installing packages using pip to INTROOT/INTLIST/ACSROOT without resorting to special tricks
    • A good approach is to make use of a symlink during a transition period
      • We need to consider transition for ICT, but also for operations
  • RHEL upgrade scheme
    • Starting with RHEL 9 the delivery cycle is going to be faster (~3 years)
    • A discussion needs to be held probably in 6-18 months in the future

Short Term (2022OCT)

Mid Term (2022DEC --> 2023FEB)

  • C++ Modernization
    • Logging Service refactoring/change of technology – 2022OCT → 2023APR
  • Development and Community OS Support
    • Jenkins Build + Phase A tests
      • Other operating systems?
  • ComponentCaller API Security Implementation – 2022DEC

Long Term (TBD)

  • Java 17 – 2023APR+
    • Will be scheduled for some point during 2023 aiming to Cycle 11 (2024-10 deployment) – 2023APR+
  • Jakarta EE 9+ / Hibernate 6+ / Spring 6+ / Springboot 3+ / Tomcat 10+ (Java-17 and Jakarta EE 9 baseline for spring framework 6) – 2023JUN+
  • ACS Services Modernization
    • ZeroMQ-based BulkData transfer implementation
    • CDB API alternative (REST, SOAP, G-RPC, Falcor, ICE, etc.)
    • Logging system technology replacement (Boost::Log, etc.)
    • Interface Repository (???)
    • Naming Service (???)


  • Java Modules

Other Input

Not Relevant



* Tentative base for 2022OCT until the meeting has been held

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


  1. Maintenance
  2. Obsolescence Management
  3. Upload Cycle 9 artifacts to artifactory
  4. NC Implementation Study
  5. Component Caller API Security Proposal Discussion
  6. Testing Coverage Work

Action Items

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (kris.haskins)

    Regarding cbStop, I think we should continue to propagate the cbStop to the receiver clients.  They should be aware of what is happening, and take whatever action is appropriate for them.

    In the ICT-20598 case, it appears that Archive somehow mishandled the cbStop for InterferometricStream1, and it caused problems over on InterferometricStream3.  We shouldn't be attempting to work around this type of problem by changing ACS.

    That's my perspective, feel free to try and persuade me otherwise (smile).